Page 71 of Her Hero Daddy
“I don’t know, baby.”
Her hands twisted together nervously, “Maybe I should just drop the charges so he’ll leave me alone and go away.”
He thought that over and shook his head. “If you drop the charges, he doesn’t go to jail, and he will do this to someone else. I know you wouldn’t want that to happen. Plus, there’s no guarantee that he would leave you alone.”
“No. I wouldn’t.”
He hated how defeated she sounded.
“It will be okay, baby. We will find him. Do you trust me?”
She looked up at him with a sureness in her eyes that answered his question without words.
“I trust you completely.”
Leaning toward her, he kissed her so deeply that he didn’t know where he ended and she began. She was like air, and he needed her in order to survive.
Her arms wrapped around his neck as she pulled him closer to her, opening her mouth for his tongue to sweep inside and explore. Running his hand down her neck to her chest, he grazed his fingers over a nipple and then moved to the other one. She moaned into his mouth as she arched her chest up to his fingers, and he thought his cock was going to explode.
Haylee moved her hips, grinding against his own arousal. He lifted his hips slightly, pressing his erection into her bottom. She whimpered into his mouth, and her fingers tightened around his neck, scraping her nails into his skin.
“Daddy… can we please… will you… please?”
“What do you need, baby?”
She bit on her bottom lip, staring into his eyes with need. Reaching up, he tugged her lip free of her teeth and pressed his finger against her mouth.
Opening her mouth, she let his finger in, swirling her tongue around it while keeping her sparkling blue eyes on his. It was one of the hottest moments he’d ever experienced. He could only imagine how sexy she would look with his cock in her mouth with her looking at him like that.
“Tell Daddy what you want,” he commanded, pulling his finger from her mouth.
She opened her mouth and closed it again, a rosy blush coming over her cheeks. He loved how innocent she was.
When she opened her mouth again and spoke, he was a little more than shocked at her words.
“I want you to fuck me. Please. I need it so bad. I need to feel you.”
She had no idea what had come over her, but she needed to feel Kane inside of her. She needed him. All of him. And she wanted to give herself to him. Only he had looked at her like she had a third eye when she told him that.
“Are you sure?” he asked huskily.
She nodded. “I’ve never been so sure. Please. I want to give myself to you.”
“There’s no turning back once we have sex. We are committed after that,” he told her firmly.
Thank God because she couldn’t even imagine him with someone else without getting homicidal thoughts in her mind.
“I thought we already were committed.”
The grin that crossed his lips made her feel like she’d won the lottery, and she’d give up all the winnings just to see that look more often.
“We are, baby. I just want it to be crystal clear.”