Page 86 of Her Hero Daddy
He gave her an incredulous look. “Uh-huh.”
Lifting her hands up, she shook her head and widened her eyes as though she was completely innocent.
Damn, she was so cute.
If he wasn’t careful, he would be wrapped around her little finger.
“Love you, Daddy!”
Yeah, too late for that. He was already wrapped around her finger.
“You also need to work on an apology letter for Keith today. I think he and Damian are heading back to Seattle tomorrow, and they are coming to have dinner with us tonight, so it needs to be done by then. Understood?”
“Yes, Daddy,” she said in a small voice.
“Good girl.”
Writing the apology letter to Keith had been more difficult than she’d expected. As she wrote it, she felt terrible about her actions. She sat at the table for nearly two hours, trying to get the words on paper while Kane worked on his laptop across from her. When she’d finally finished it, she gave it to him to look over. He read it and nodded.
“Good job, baby.”
“Do you think he’ll forgive me?” she asked sadly.
Kane nodded. “I do. Keith is a good man. He’s a Daddy, and he knows that Littles can be quite naughty sometimes.”
She felt herself blush when he said that.
She was never naughty. Nope. Not ever.
“I’m not naughty, Daddy. I’m the goodest girl ever.”
The grin on his face told her that he didn’t believe her. She stuck out her lip and crossed her arms over her chest.
“Easy, baby. You are my good girl. And overall, you are not naughty. But you have your moments. Doesn’t make me love you any less. Okay?”
“Okay, Daddy,” she said, unfolding her arms.
“Wanna go play in your nursery for a bit before your nap?”
Her eyes lit up. “Oh, yes, please!”
Haylee spent the next couple of hours playing with her dollies and her tea set. She sat several dollies and Barbies around in a circle and offered them all tea. Her Daddy even sat on the floor with her and accepted a cup of tea, which made her feel all warm and gooey inside. He told her it was the best tea he’d ever had, which was silly because she didn’t actually put tea in his cup. It was just air.
But, oh well. What did he know?
He was able to pry her away from playing for lunch, which he had to feed her because she was too excited to go back upstairs and play. His threats to warm her bottom had helped her focus on eating what he fed her. As soon as he said she could be done with lunch, she bounded back up the stairs, only to hear him barking at her to slow down.
When nap time rolled around, Kane pulled her onto his lap in the rocking chair and fed her a bottle of her protein shake. Her eyelids became heavy as she sucked the vanilla liquid down. She didn’t even realize when Kane pulled the bottle from her mouth and replaced it with a pacifier before he carried her to her bed and tucked her in.
When she woke up, she felt so peaceful as she looked around the nursery, sucking on the pacifier in her mouth. It hadn’t even been two weeks since she’d come to stay with Kane, and she couldn’t imagine ever living her life without him. Knowing that Tim had been caught made her feel a million times better, and she looked forward to starting the rest of her life as Kane’s Little girl.
She also wanted to get back to her career in the world of journalism, and she’d be able to leave the house and get in touch with some of her old friends from Pinebrook.
“Hey, sleepy girl,” Kane said softly, bringing her out of her thoughts.