Page 13 of Love Hazard
Man, I wished I had a partner in crime to take a picture ofhim shitting the bed, but alas, all I would have wasthe memory of his fear.
I slowly crawled up the stairs on my hands and knees, stillnearly blind from the mask slipping, and made it to the final step. It creakedas my right paw hit it. Wincing, I looked around as much as I could out half myright eye and waited, my breathing labored.
Nothing happened.
Smirking behind my plastic mask, I crept along the halluntil I found his room. His door was open. Aw, he was sleeping soundly, a lumpin the bed, though I couldn’t see his face again on account of my stupidcostume. Still, this would be incredible.
I crawled into his room and leaned by the side of the bed.This was my moment, my crescendo. I stood to my full height and raised my pawsinto the air, only to feel a searing pain as I collapsed against the bed andwas forced onto my back while a body fell on top of me. “Stop or I’ll call thepolice.”
A muffled “Huh?” came out of my mask. “Why the police?”
“Intruder. And my dad’s a retired cop so you should probablysettle down, you sick creep. Who dresses like this and sneaks into people’shomes?”
This was the part where I probably shouldn’t have raised myhand, but I did.
He slapped it away. “Seriously? What’s wrong with you?”
“YOU!” I roared. “You’re what’s wrong. And I can read. Well,in fact.” I just couldn’t let go of that note he’d left with Jane Eyre.
His green eyes squinted briefly before he tugged off my maskand threw it to the floor. “Hazel?”
Lips pressed together, he sighed. “Wish I was, but actually, no. No, I’m not surprised.”
“Liar, you were terrified.”
“Nope, just trying to abide by the law when it comes tosomeone trespassing on private property. You’re lucky I didn’t tase you.”
“Aw, you need a Taser? Can’t even use your fists?”
“I can use my fists.”
“It’s okay.” I patted him on the shoulder, then squeezed asmuch as I could with my plastic claws. “Some men just can’t use things. Admitit, you’re one of them.”
“I admit nothing.” He pushed me down against the mattress.“And you smell like melted plastic.”
“Some might call that romantic.”
“Some might call you psychotic.”
I stuck out my tongue. “You started this battle, but I’mpretty sure I’m winning the war. Now, I can sleep in peace.”
“Bet you have a teddy bear,” he taunted, still on top of me.
I laughed and leaned up, so close to his face that I couldsee the flecks of gold in his green eyes. “Bet you’re a virgin.”
His nostrils flared. “Bet you’ve never had a good kiss inyour entire life.”
“Bet you don’t even know how.”
“Challenge accepted.” He leaned down so aggressively therewas no way I could stop the onslaught of his perfect mouth before it pressedagainst mine. My hands had ideas of their own as they tried to pull at his hairwhile my lips parted for him.
His groan literally gave me no choice but to follow suit asmy hands—aka gloves—stroked the back of his neck. It was a good, deep kiss.Such a good kiss that I hated him even more for proving me wrong.
His tongue slid into my mouth and then, sheer pain again,this time in the form of what felt like electrocution as I went limp beneathhim.
“Are you okay!?” a male voice shouted. “I heard groaning.Holy shit, is that a bear?”