Page 15 of Captivating Anika
“It’s fine. He’s in jail, Kim,” I assure her. “Don’t tell me you spent all night worrying about him making another appearance.”
She shakes her head. “No, not really. It’s just…I talked to my mother earlier and she’s concerned. Upset, mostly because she wants to help but she’s in a nursing home and there isn’t a lot she can do. I promised her I was safe here.”
I put a hand on her arm. “You are safe here. Probably safer than anywhere else. You’ve got a good security system, and during the day you’re never alone. Besides, Detective Evans said the judge would sign a restraining order and Chris won’t be able to get close to you, or the salon.”
“I guess. I’m trying to wrap my head around it, you know? It’s a lot. I don’t really know where to go from here, what the next step is. I don’t even have any of my things.”
Christ, I should’ve asked her yesterday, but the day got so crazy. Of course, she needs her stuff.
“Okay, let’s make a list, but first I need coffee.”
I walk into my office and toss my purse in the bottom drawer of my desk before tackling the espresso machine. Then I take my cup and wave Kim into my office.
“First of all, you’re going to need to talk to a lawyer,” I tell her when she sits down across from me, a pad and paper in hand. “You’ve met my friend, Lindsey, who had the baby, right? Her mom, Mel, is a lawyer. She’s not actively practicing anymore, but I’m sure she’ll be able to point you in the right direction.”
“I’m not sure I can afford one.”
It’s on my lips to tell her not to worry about that, but I hold back. My natural instinct is to jump in and rescue her, but I recognize in this case it’s probably better to curb it. In the long run it’ll likely benefit Kim to rescue herself.
“Talk to her. I’m sure there are options out there.”
I pull up Mel’s number and recite it to her. Once I’ve convinced her she shouldn’t wait to contact her, we move on to the logistics of getting her some of her things so she can get by.
“Is there someone who could go with you to the house? A friend?”
She shrugs her shoulders. “I guess Carrie could help. She lives a few houses down from us. She could meet me there.”
“That sounds good. You have how many appointments this morning?”
Saturdays we try to close up shop at two and we don’t open until noon on Mondays.
“Only two, but I was going to do walk-ins after.”
“Forget about walk-ins. If there is stuff you want done, especially in the house, this weekend would be the time to do it,” I point out as I get to my feet. “Use my office to make your phone calls. I’ll get Molly to get your first customer washed when they get here.”
I pull the door shut behind me and almost bump into Monique.
“I was just coming to look for you,” she states. Then she nods at the closed door. “Kim?”
“Making a few phone calls. She’s got some stuff to do this afternoon.”
After yesterday, everyone is fully aware of Kim’s situation, not that I think it went unnoticed before.
“Is there anything I can do?”
“I’m not sure there’s much any of us can do, to be honest. It’s going to be a tough road for her regardless.”
Monique hip-bumps me. “Then you and I can show her how to have a good time. It’s been too long since we’ve had a girls’ night out anyway.”
“Ooh! Did I hear girls’ night out?” Landon pipes up as he joins us. “Tell me when. I’m ready for a night of fun.”
“What happened to Neil, your handsome eye doctor?” Monique inquires.
Landon started seeing an optometrist late last year. A nice guy, a little older than Landon and definitely more conventional, who popped into the salon a few times. Not exactly the type I would’ve imagined him with, but they seemed to be into each other.
Landon waves his hand. “Ancient history.”
“Oh no…since when?” I want to know.