Page 16 of Captivating Anika
“Two weeks ago. I turned out to be more man than he could handle,” Landon jokes, but I can see the hurt in his eyes.
I exchange a look with Monique, who must’ve picked up on the same thing, because she throws her arm around his shoulders.
“His loss, Gorgeous. You should’ve told us, we could’ve done something this weekend, but now I already have plans. But next weekend? Your ass is coming to have some fun with us. Right, Anika?”
“I’m not sure I’m up to your speed of fun,” I tell her cautiously.
I don’t think I could do an entire night dancing at the Starlight Lounge or the Wild Horse Saloon anymore. I’m afraid I’d be laid up in bed for a week.
“But I’m open to do something,” I quickly add, reading the disappointment on Monique’s face. “And maybe we can convince Kim to join us.”
The sound of the chime over the door interrupts us to announce the arrival of our first customer of the day.
My chair is occupied all morning, and it’s one thirty before my final client walks out of the salon. I duck into my office with a bottle of water and drop down in my chair, kicking my shoes off. I may never get them back on, my feet are so swollen.
Digging into my purse for a bottle of ibuprofen, I bump into my phone. I guess I got so distracted, I never bothered taking it out. I glance at the screen to see what I may have missed, and at the top of my notifications is a text message from Hog.
This morning’s smile is back when I read it.
No competition, but how about a meet and greet
with the noisy nine this afternoon?
I find the pills and quickly pop two, washing them down with the bottle of water. Then I pick up my phone and start typing out a response.
“What’s the smile for?” Landon says, poking his head in the door. “Got anything big planned?”
“Nothing big, but it looks like I might have plans.” I smile up at him. “What about you?”
I realize belatedly that might not have been the most sensitive thing to ask him, so I’m thankful when he has an answer ready.
“I was actually hoping I could leave a few minutes early; I’m heading out of town to visit Mom this weekend, and I’m eager to get on the road. I have a three-hour drive ahead.”
Landon is originally from Gallup, New Mexico, where his mother still lives.
“Of course. Go on, get out of here, and have a good weekend.”
“You too.”
He blows me a kiss and disappears down the hall.
As soon as he’s out of sight, I focus on my phone screen.
Sounds like fun.
His response is almost instant.
The kids are excited too. If you’re not too tired. I’ll even feed you.
Two dinners in as many days. We’ve shared meals in the past, but it would be a pig roast at the farm and always with my brother there, or the occasional dinner at my parents’ house.
I’m trying not to read too much into it, but my fingers are trembling when I type out my message.
What time and what can I bring?
Any time after you’re done. Just bring you.