Page 12 of Impossible Thrills
Hays shook his head, obviously having no answers. He studied the door. “What if she has been hurt? Do you think that’s why she took off?”
Nick was sick to his stomach. Jagger was right that she needed to consider her own safety. Somehow, Darcy had survived in very dangerous foreign cities, especially for a beautiful, wealthy, and single American woman.
Was she as alone as he was? He had his family and buddies, but a special lady to love and protect … never. She’d been hurt by Trattori. He imagined it had been devastating when Johnny’s affair was exposed and Johnny chose his mistress over his wife. Could he trust that Darcy knew nothing about Johnny’s true business?
Who knew? He could at least comfort her.
He jumped to his feet. Hays looked up at him. Nick could tell the guy was interested and wanted to go after her, but Nick would get there first.
He didn’t even say anything, just took off at a run.
He caught her as she reached the lower hallway where the suites were located. Before he could put his arms around her, she whirled and planted her back into the wall, staring up at him with a sassy glare and tears in her blue eyes.
“Did you come to tell me how stupid and unsafe I am too?” she threw at him.
She was innocent, feisty, and mesmerizing.
“Darcy …” Her name was all he could manage to get out. He had no words. Without even giving himself permission, he stepped in and wrapped his arms around her.
She stood stiff for half a beat. He should release her. He had no business hugging Trattori’s ex, and she didn’t want him to comfort her.
Then she leaned into him and let out a sob. Nick’s stomach dropped. She had been kidnapped, raped, or trafficked in the past four years, just as they’d all feared. He’d seen all of that and much worse. It was one of the top reasons he fought and trained and protected.
That was the only reason he could imagine she’d cry like this. Unless Trattori had abused her in their marriage, traumatized and terrified her into never revealing how underhanded he was. He could easily believe that.
He wanted to hunt Trattori down more than ever. At the moment, he had no idea what to do but hold her. Thankfully, she let him do that much.
Footsteps approached from down the hall, and he almost groaned. He wanted to comfort and love her. Alone. It wasn’t really his place as he hardly knew her.
She pulled away and backed into the wall again, wiping at her tears as Jagger and Hays approached.
“Forgive me,” Jagger muttered. “I don’t really know … decorum.”
Darcy offered a wobbly smile. “That was obvious.”
Jagger had made his apology. That was good. Now could Nick wave these two off and step in and hold her again? He could also listen if she was ready to talk through whatever had made her sob. He felt conflicted about that, though. What if it was Trattori and she gave him information that helped his case? He desperately wanted that information, but he didn’t want to betray Darcy’s trust in sharing with him.
“For sure,” Hays agreed. He looked her over. “Who hurt you?”
Darcy studied him for a second, then glanced at Nick. She wrapped her arms around herself and murmured, “Who didn’t?”
A groan rose from Nick’s throat. He stepped in again, but he didn’t know if she wanted him to wrap her up. “Darcy,” he managed. “No.”
“Where? Who?” Jagger ground out. “We’ll find them, and we’ll kill them.”
Nick and Hays nodded their agreement. Forget waiting to get proof on Trattori or taking down his entire ring. Vigilante justice was in order now.
Nick hadn’t been a big fan of these two SEALs on first impression, but they were rising in his estimation quick. Aiden had mentioned trying to hire them when they were ready to retire from active duty. Nick would agree that they’d be assets.
Darcy’s eyes widened. She looked around at all of their faces and then put her hand over her mouth. “You all are so protective … thank you.”
Nick nodded and saw the other men do the same. They were protective. They’d get through this week, he’d win the money for Darcy to help with her orphanages, then they’d find every person who hurt her and remove them from this earth. Starting with Johnny Trattori. Then he’d install security cameras and hire security personnel for her centers. Then he’d have to retire from working for Aiden and follow her around to keep her safe.
Whoa. His thoughts were extreme. His work had been his life and his passion, and he still didn’t know if he could trust her. He looked into her sapphire blue eyes, thought of the way it had felt to hold her. How could he not trust her? He wouldn’t reveal what he knew—he couldn’t—but he could keep her safe and hold her again.
“It’s not like you think,” she insisted. “I’ve been safe as I volunteer and travel. The person who hurt me … he didn’t …” She shook her head. “You don’t need my sob story.”
Nick wanted her sob story. He wanted to hear every story she would tell. Then he would hunt this man down and at the very least maim him. It had to be Trattori. He didn’t need Jagger and Hays’ help, but he appreciated the offer.