Page 13 of Impossible Thrills
“Thank you.” She gave them a watery smile. “I feel like I’ve got three big brothers who will watch out for me and fight for me.”
Nick had so many thoughts. He wanted to watch out for her. He wanted to comfort her and kiss those tears away. He did not want to be a big brother. He wanted to be her protector and maybe more.
He barely knew her, and he was in a huge conflict of interest with who she was. If she was innocent, it changed everything.
This was the worst possible time to be without his phone. He needed Aiden’s advice.
“I’ve never had family,” she admitted then, biting at her lip and studying the slate flooring. “Thank you for caring. I … it means a lot …” She sniffled. “Goodnight.”
She slipped through the door and closed it gently.
She didn’t have family. Never had. Was she an orphan like him? That would make sense why she had created safe havens for little ones without family. It would also make sense how she could marry a slime like Trattori and nobody had protected or warned her. He didn’t know nearly enough about her, and the questions and concerns were compiling.
Jagger tilted his head. Nick and Hays nodded in agreement. She needed space, rest, maybe to cry alone. Nick’s fists clenched. He didn’t want her crying alone, but he couldn’t barge into her private space either.
They somberly walked down the hall, up the stairs, and back into the dining room. In silent agreement, they started eating the rest of their unfinished meals. They’d need their strength for tomorrow, but the food didn’t taste good any longer, and Nick didn’t think it had anything to do with eating a lukewarm steak that probably cost more than his first Sig MI8.
“Man, this sucks,” Jagger muttered after about fifteen minutes of quiet chewing and swallowing and listening to water lap against the hull while the yacht’s engines purred.
“Knowing she’s hurting?” Hays asked.
Jagger and Nick both nodded.
Pushing his plate away, Jagger leaned back in his chair. “I hate that I’m the one who snapped at her about being safe and now I have to take away the million dollars she should earn for her orphanages. Maybe she could buy security with some of that money.”
“You’re assuming you can beat me,” Nick said. “You can’t.”
Jagger gave him a challenging glare, but there was no heat in it.
“Why are you doing this?” Nick asked, wanting to distract himself from that intriguing woman possibly crying herself to sleep downstairs. “Pride and Shawn and Mercedes?”
“Shawn and Mercedes,” Jagger said.
Hays nodded.
“Mercedes I get. She’s a sweetheart.” Nick took a swallow of water before admitting, “Sorry, but Shawn seems like a standoffish jerk.”
Instead of being offended, they both chuckled. “Ah, for sure. I about drowned him when we went through Hell Week together,” Jagger admitted.
“Shawn’s a SEAL?” Nick asked.
“He never made it through,” Hays said. “Never rang the bell. Never gave up, but he couldn’t pass the drown-proof testing. I can’t even remember how many times he tried and failed … I hated that for him.”
“That does suck. But you all are tight?”
“Like brothers,” Jagger said, clearly daring Nick to say something about it. “I’d do anything for Shawn.”
“Me too.” Hays nodded. He looked at Jagger, then told Nick, “We also knew Mercedes’s brother Grayson.”
Nick searched his memory. Lieutenant Grayson Travier. Half-brother who didn’t meet his dad or know his half-sister existed until he was eighteen. Killed in action a few years later. “I see.”
“We’re with Shawn and willing to do anything for Mercedes. So here we are, fulfilling that benevolent angel’s … wishes.” Jagger spread his hands.
Nick wondered about the pause. It was rumored she was very sick. She looked like death warmed over and coated with makeup and expensive jewelry and slinky material.
“I see. Plus your pride.” Nick smiled.
“Sometimes pride is all a man has,” Jagger muttered.