Page 36 of Fractured Mates
He grins and raises a brow. “Is that what you call your glove box?”
“Honestly, that’s one of the more stupid names for random objects that humans have come up with,” I say with slight annoyance. “Who has ever used that compartment to store gloves in? Not me. Not anyone I know.”
Ever since I realized how idiotic the name was, I’ve called it either my mini-cabinet or emergency food stash. Things that actually make sense. Because you know, I’m not the crazy one.
“Right,” he muses. “Well, let’s get going. If we get to the bar early, there should be less people there that we need to worry about.”
“You’d think,” I mutter, slinging the filled grocery bag over my shoulder. I grab my keys off the dresser. “I’m driving.”
I’ve let this man drive me around too much. It’s time I took charge.
Because you’ve been doing that so well, my wolf snickers. Last night especially.
Shut your dirty mouth, I growl. I was… Whatever. Just because I lost it once doesn’t mean I can’t keep my shit together today.
And you’re still lying to yourself. Her mocking laugh echoes through my mind like church bells.
Maybe she’s right. Okay, most likely. Especially because the moment I exit the motel room, my body wants to stop and wait for Kyler to catch up.
That desire makes absolutely zero sense. He isn’t ours. He belongs to someone else. This is only supposed to be a fleeting attraction. Except, the longer I’m around him, the more I slip up and allow myself to touch him, the more drawn to this man I feel.
I couldn’t sleep for shit last night. So many times, I opened my mouth to demand he get into the bed with me, but I knew where that would lead…
To multiple glorious orgasms, my wolf finishes for me.
This time, I don’t bother arguing with her. If that man can make me fall apart just by dry humping me, then I can’t even imagine what he can do when we’re both naked. The thought is almost too much to even consider.
I walk faster toward my car, throw the bag of snacks in the passenger’s seat, and get behind the wheel. Yeah, the distraction of driving is just what I need.
No, you need that man’s dick inside you before we combust, my wolf titters.
A rumble releases from my chest. “Stop.”
Kyler is just opening his door, of course, and peeks his head into the car. “Did you forget something?”
I hate you, I say to my wolf before shaking my head at Kyler. “Just get in.”
All the while, she laughs at me and I have to bite my cheek, using the pain to get my shit together.
Drive the car to the bar, get a cloaking spell so we can sneak back onto the pack lands, and find my family.
Nothing else matters right now, because more than anything, I just want to get the hell away from this place now that I’m here.
How I could have considered coming back to South Carolina and staying is beyond me. All this area brings are bad memories that I need to put behind me.
I pull out of the parking lot and head for the highway that will take us toward the bar. It used to be open twenty-four hours a day and hopefully still is or we’ll be driving thirty minutes in the wrong direction only to sit there for who knows how long until they open.
“Once we have the cloaking spells, I know where we need to go to sneak back into the pack,” I say, switching lanes and keeping my gaze fixed on the road instead of the man next to me.
“Why do you want to go back there?” he asks with possibly a little suspicion in his voice.
“I told you I’m not stopping until I know my family is safe,” I reply sharply. “And I want to see that with my own eyes. Someone from your work saying they’re fine isn’t enough.”
That doesn’t give me the closure I want, either.
“You were going to tell me about the weak points in the pack?” he mentions, not-so-subtly changing the subject.
I consider calling him out on it but don’t bother. I’m driving, and there’s nothing he can do to prevent me from going where I want.