Page 15 of Doctoring Dolly
Though she wasn’t a Little, she loved Disney movies. Beauty and the Beast was a particular favorite. She figured if a teapot could sing her choice, she should not butcher it too bad.
After signing her up, Quincy laid down the pen and then took her hand again.
“Aren’t you singing?”
“Absolutely not. I can’t carry a tune in a wheelbarrow.”
“But…” She wanted to argue but bit her lip to keep her protest inside.
He was the Dom and if he wanted to hear her screech like an alley cat, it was his ears. She just felt sorry for everyone else who had to listen.
A chair opened up just as Dolly’s name was called two songs later. Quincy settled in as she accepted the microphone and moved to stand in front of the monitor where the words she sang would flash.
She looked pale and nervous but determined. When she found him in the small crowd, he smiled and winked in encouragement. She could do this.
As the music started, she turned her attention back to the screen and took a deep breath. Lifting the microphone to her mouth, she began to sing with a pure, beautiful perfectly on-key tone that had the entire room go silent as everyone in the area listened. Her singing drew others who were passing through the lobby to join the crowd.
The silence extended for several seconds after she finished, before everyone began applauding, whistling, and crying, “More, more.”
When Dolly tried to hand the microphone back to the staff member in charge of the event, he shook his head in refusal. Dolly then looked Quincy’s way with tears in her eyes. She was obviously close to panicking and needed him.
He rose and went to her, pulling her in for a hug. He dropped a kiss on the top of her head before murmuring, “You were amazing. Can you please sing another one?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. You have a beautiful voice. Why don’t you sing?”
“It’s a long story. But if you’re sure, I’ll do one more.”
“I’m sure,” Quincy said then gave her a squeeze before releasing her and returning to his seat.
Looking quickly at the sheet, she made her choice and the host nodded and queued the song up. Another Disney tune, this time the big hit from Frozen and again, she was amazing, hitting all the notes on key and holding them out where needed.
When she finished the second song, she laid the microphone on the table and hurried to his side as the crowd once again went wild with its approval and appreciation.
“Can we go now?” she asked, looking flustered.
“Certainly, pet. You were amazing.” Quincy rose and gave her another hug. “Are you ready for hot chocolate and cookies? Or would you rather have ice cream?”
“Ice cream, please,” she said into his chest as she hid her face.
With an arm around her shoulder, Quincy led the way toward the café. “Ice cream it is. By the time we finish, the Dungeon should be open again, if you’d like to go down and check things out.”
She shrugged, and he studied her. Singing had tested her nerves and from her heavy eyelids and drooping shoulders, he could tell she was exhausted and in need of sleep, not Dungeon play. Instead of entering the café, he turned and guided her back across the lobby toward the hall where their rooms were located.
“Where are we going?”
“You’re done in. Ice cream and exploring the Dungeon will have to wait until tomorrow.”
“I’m okay,” she said and then yawned widely, her body proving her words wrong.
“No, you’re not, you’re exhausted. And if you continue to argue with your Dom, who is looking out for your best welfare, you’ll be going to bed with a freshly spanked ass.”
He smiled as Dolly huffed a sigh. “Well, that just sucks. I want ice cream.”
Pulling his arm from around her back, he fought down a chuckle as he gave her ass a sharp swat. At her room, he waited until she opened the door. He put his foot against the door to hold it open as he pulled her close for a long hug and a hot, deep kiss that tested his restraint.
Tempted to loosen hold of his control and take her right there in the hallway, Quincy finally pulled back. “Good night. Go right to bed. Sleep well and have beautiful dreams. I’ll see you tomorrow.”