Page 16 of Doctoring Dolly
Though half-asleep, she looked befuddled as she nodded then stumbled into her room. “Night.”
Dolly slipped through the back door of the room where the BDSM 101 class was to be held. She was thirty minutes late and hoped the teacher would not take her to task since her excuse was a lame one. Despite being exhausted, she had not fallen asleep until nearly dawn and then slept through her alarm.
She froze when she saw there was no teacher in the room to scold her. There were also no other students in the room. There was only a note written on the blackboard that read Class cancelled for today.
The excitement that had filled her tummy as she raced from her room to the classroom shriveled like an overripe grape in the sun.
“Well, shit,” she muttered as she turned to leave the room. “How am I supposed to learn the basics of BDSM if there’s no class to teach me?”
Deciding she needed breakfast before working on a new plan for the day, Dolly made her way to the lobby. There was no one at the front desk to ask about when the class would be rescheduled, so she headed to the cafeteria for breakfast. Maybe someone there would know the answer.
“Good morning, pet,” a deep voice said in her ear as she grabbed a tray.
She jumped in surprise and whirled to face the man who had kept her awake thinking of him all night. “Oh, good morning.”
“You all right?” Quincy appeared concerned after looking her up and down.
She shrugged, not quite sure how to answer the question so she avoided stating she’d overslept and went with her class disappointment. “I wanted to take a class this morning, except it was cancelled. Now I’m not sure what to do.”
“Which class?”
“BDSM 101.”
Quincy looked thoughtful for a moment, before he said, “I can teach you whatever you want to know.”
He nodded with a smile she could not define. “I’ve been a practicing Dominant since I was nineteen and discovered BDSM. I have experience in most areas of the kinky lifestyle and have taught and mentored others in the past. It shouldn’t be too difficult to introduce a newbie to the basics. That is, if you’d like me to teach you?”
His deep green eyes trapped her gaze and she fought the urge to drop to her knees and beg for more than just beginning kink lessons. Her nipples began to ache for his touch and her pussy grew hot and wet with her need. But the middle of the cafeteria with a crowd of people around, most of whom were Littles, was not the place to initiate sex.
Swallowing hard, she nodded. “I think I’d like that, Sir.”
“Good girl. After breakfast, we’ll find Derek and get his approval.”
“Did someone say my name?” Derek stopped by their table with a big white coffee mug in his hand. Sadie was nowhere in sight.
“We were just discussing the possibility of me teaching Dolly the basics of BDSM since the 101 class has been cancelled,” Quincy explained.
“Since Dolly was the only one who signed up for this morning’s class, and did not show up by eight-fifteen, the instructor cancelled it. We did not have as much interest this week as we normally do. Most of our guests this week are more experienced in the lifestyle,” Derek said before taking a sip from his mug.
Dolly sighed, so much for keeping that little detail to herself. “I overslept and was late. I’m sorry.”
“So, you wouldn’t mind if I took Dolly under command this week and taught her the basics?”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea,” Derek said with a smile. He then looked at Dolly. “Is that all right with you, darlin’?”
Surprised to be included in the conversation, Dolly nodded. “Yes, Sir.”
“Good. Well, I’m sure I have paperwork waiting in my office. Have a great time. And Dolly, if you have questions, or need answers that Quincy can’t give you, feel free to come see me.”
“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir,” Dolly said softly.
“Good girl,” Quincy said after Derek left them to enjoy their breakfast.
Dolly was not sure what to say to that, so she lowered her gaze to her plate and focused on eating. She was grateful when Quincy did the same. They did not speak again until their plates were empty and Quincy had refilled their coffee mugs.