Page 63 of Never Say Never
"How do you figure?"
"You were playing with the girls, and?—"
"Hold up, so you were watching me instead of the food?" My heart skipped a beat. I moved closer to York but he took a step back.
"That's, well… They’re my kids, and you know, I was?—"
"Shut up and be honest. You were watching me."
York's face had that tantalizing blush that made me want to devour him.
"Daddy, is the food ready?" Nyra asked.
Navy was right behind her, a towel wrapped tightly around her shivering frame.
"We better get them in. Watch a short film and eat?" I suggested. Anything to stay.
"I want to pick this time," Navy shouted. She was halfway to the door that led back to York's suite, Nyra right on her heels.
"Wait, help—" My words fell on deaf ears as the door closed.
York's rich laughter next to me sent waves of warmth through me.
"Not funny."
"It is a little bit. It's nice to know I'm not the only one ignored. Even nice, shiny Paul gets ignored."
"Hey, I'll have you know they both adore me. I just didn't say it loud enough."
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that." York headed for the door behind the girls.
"Wait, aren't you going to help?"
York clutched his arm in the sling. "Ow, you wouldn't make an injured man carry anything, would you?"
He couldn't be serious. Moments ago, he was all for doing everything himself.
"Make sure you gather everything up before coming in."
Seeing the playful York was good, it was worth doing everything myself. "Sure thing, boss."
A visible shiver raced down York's body. He turned around and went inside, leaving me alone. I blew out a breath, turning the grill off. Thank goodness it was a gas one. I gathered the rest of the meat and piled it on the tray. The ones that were burnt to hell went in the trash next to the grill. By the time I made it in, the girls were changed and the smell of soap wafted off them.
"Yay, we're starving," Navy shouted.
Nyra nodded, reaching for the tray before I sat it down. She made quick work of creating a burger.
"I'm going to change." Not that either girl cared; they were like little savages over the tray of meat. "Want a side or something?"
"No, thanks," they exclaimed.
I shook my head but let them be in favor of getting out of the ice cold trunks. I'd lied about the fire keeping me warm, the entire time I was freezing my balls off. Making quick work of clothes, I joined the rest of them in the kitchen. The TV never turned on. Instead, we each devoured our food. York was even smashing a bratwurst.
"How's school?" I asked the girls after I finished my first burger.
"Good, I made honor roll again," Nyra said.
"Me too," Navy said.