Page 88 of Never Say Never
York's mouth was in a fine line as he stared at the wall next to me. The girl's stomachs both growled at once, taking the option out of both our hands.
"I'll wake Shelly to come make some food." York put Nyra down, grunting and rubbing at his recovering arm.
"Let her sleep, we all had a long night. It's only breakfast. I can make it."
The girls looked between us. I knew they could tell something was wrong. They were smart as hell. Gin and I would have been clueless, going along with what was happening. But Navy and Nyra were far more intuitive than most ten-year-olds. They really did take after York. A small part of me was proud of them, even if I did want to stay hidden and be the fun, loving guy they'd gotten to know.
"What would you two like to eat?" I asked, trying to break up the tension that filled the hallway. I wanted to talk to York, but I could tell he still wanted nothing to do with me.
I detest you. His words burned through me hotter than an iron brand.
The girls looked up at their dad again, and I stopped myself from rubbing at my chest. This hurt a whole lot worse than I ever thought possible. Falling in love was never in the plans. I didn't crave companionship like my twin. I'd always thought I'd jump from bed to bed, it was easier that way. No one could handle the way I wanted to love. Even now, giving York his space was taking every ounce of control I possessed. If it was up to me, I'd already have him in my bed, forcing my brand of possession on him until he couldn't fathom living without me. There was still a chance I might end up cracking and doing it. Sanity was only a facade with me. I was born into chaos, and I wielded mayhem freely.
York gave the girls a single nod. "Go brush your teeth and wash your faces while Pau—Gianpaolo and I get breakfast started."
Navy and Nyra's faces screwed up. Their cute little noses scrunched as they looked at me.
"You can call me Paolo."
York grunted, not hiding his displeasure. He ushered both girls toward the bathroom.
"There are toothbrushes under the sink." I headed toward the kitchen, rolling up my sleeves. He wanted to talk. That had to be good, right? Talking meant I still had a shot before I had to move to a more drastic route.
I turned on the faucet and washed my hands, making sure to clean them thoroughly. Murderous intent hit me in the back of my head. I breathed through my teeth, forcing down my instincts to attack. York was doing it again, staring holes in my head and probably planning my murder.
"York, stop staring at me like that." I turned around, meeting his gaze head-on.
"Or what? You're going to kill me?"
"No, I don't want you dead, never have."
"You're lying."
"I'm not." I ground my molars. Why couldn't he understand this? "After everything, you think I want you out of my life permanently?"
"Why shouldn't I think that? You got close to me on purpose. Used me."
"That wasn't all it was," I stressed. I grabbed the pancake mix, eggs, and bacon from the fridge. "You mean so much more to me. You and the girls."
York laughed, but it was devoid of any humor. If anything it sounded broken. "Why were you at my place last night?"
I cracked a few eggs in a bowl, giving myself time to answer. Did I tell him the whole truth or some of it? Lying to York had become second nature. Being Paul meant that's what I did. In order to keep my family safe, I lived in a constant web of lies.
"Pa—Gianpaolo, answer me. Why the fuck were you at my house? How did you know they were going to attack?" York was keeping his voice moderately low, glancing down the hall to make sure the girls hadn't come back yet. "Did you plan it?"
"Fuck no!" I grabbed the whisk and started beating the eggs a bit too hard. They overflowed the rim of the bowl creating a mess that I was going to have to clean up later.
"Then how? I thought about it all night. Your timing was strange. You had already told the girls what to do. The security team was conveniently out, nothing was how it normally was, and there you were, magically in my home to save the day."
"If you really thought I did it, why in the hell are you still here?"
York was in my face. "You think I can walk out of here with my girls in one piece? You brought us into the belly of the beast."
I shook my head. I was ready to explain myself even if it got me into more trouble with York. As I turned to him, his fist connected with my jaw, whipping my head to the side. Pain radiated over the entire left side of my face. I licked the corner of my lip where I'd bitten into it.
Rolling my jaw, I turned to meet York's heated gaze. There was a darkness in his deep brown eyes that he swore only my family held. "I'm going to let you have that one, but don't try it again, York." My voice dipped as I let the nice Paul facade drop away. "I won't kill you but I sure as hell will make you beg for death.”
I took a step back for the both of us. Grabbing the pancake mix box again, I started making it. York stayed where he was, his fists opening and closing. I almost hoped he did hit me again. It would give me all the excuse I needed to touch him. Fuck his words, I'd remind him that he belonged to me.