Page 107 of Queen Of Clubs
I just sigh, shaking my head. I look up at the older, sexy alpha. “Hi.” I smile.
He looks down at me with heated eyes. “Hi, Darling,” he murmurs in a low, husky tone that has my perfume going wild, making all four of them growl.
That doesn’t stop Calvin from cupping the back of my head and pressing me against the wall while he kisses me deeply.
“So we can’t stay and have sex, but you can dry hump her against the wall like a horny teenager?” Zane drawls.
Calvin pulls back, pupils wide, lips wet from our kisses. “Killjoy he is.”
I laugh, my cheeks heating. “Come on, big guy. Let’s go get that press conference over with, and then we can enjoy Paree,” I say the last word in my best French accent.
“That’s not fair. How come when you speak in an accent it’s sexy, but when I do it, I get banned?” Griffin mutters. “Maybe my French accent is better than my British.”
“Alright then,” I challenge him with a smirk. “Let’s hear what you got.”
He smiles brightly. “Okay,” he agrees. “But I only know one saying. No idea what it means though.” He clears his throat. “Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?”
I roll my lips together and bite down as the others chuckle. Griffin looks around confused. “Oh, come on! It wasn’t bad.”
“No, that actually sounded kind of sexy.” I wink as we exit the room and head toward the elevator.
“Really?” he preens. “Nice.”
When we get in and the doors close, I look up at him and grin. “The answer is yes, by the way,” I tell Griffin.
“Yes to what?” he asks me, blinking.
“To your question before.”
“I didn’t ask anything.” He looks confused, and I giggle.
“Yes, you did.” Zane laughs as we get to the bottom floor. “And I can speak for Everett and me, our answer is yes too.” He winks.
“Wait,” Griffin huffs. “What was the question? I don’t even know what I said!”
“You're not going to tell him, are you?” Calvin asks with an amused grin.
“Nope,” I reply cheerfully. “And neither are the two of you,” I tell Everett and Zane.
“That's just mean!” Griffin pouts.
“Be a good alpha and I’ll tell you later.” I wink as we all get into the black SUV waiting to take us downtown.
WE ARRIVE AT THE VENUE fifteen minutes later. We’re dropped off at the back of the building, cop cars and security making sure it’s safe.
Calvin holds my hand as we walk through the building to where the conference is being held.
“Good, good, you're here.” A woman with black hair tied up in a bun and a black business suit comes rushing over. “Come with me, I’ll get you up to speed.”
“You got her?” Zane asks Calvin.
“Always do,” Calvin answers.
Zane hesitates, looking at me for a moment before diving forward for a quick kiss. “Be good,” he warns before taking off with the woman.
A spike of jealousy fills me, and Calvin wraps his arm around me, holding me tight. “No need to be jealous, Darling,” he chuckles.
“I’m not,” I mutter, lying.