Page 108 of Queen Of Clubs
Calvin just grins. “That's Jordan, the band's PR manager. She’s just going to make sure the guys know what to say and what not to say, so that the reporters don’t spin this in their favor. At least not too much.”
I nod. “So, what are we going to do?”
“Hang back and watch, I guess. We don’t want you visible, that will have them hounding you with questions. And I’d rather not have that right now.”
“Yeah, I don’t want that.” I lean into his touch.
The room is packed when we slip backstage. All three guys are seated with mics in front of them and Jordan standing next to them.
Jordan says a few words, pretty much stating that the guys now have an omega, that it’s new and they wanted to keep things to themselves as long as they could before life intervened.
“Now, we will open up the room for questions,” Jordan announces.
The room breaks out into a cacophony of voices, and my stomach swoops, nerves filling me.
“What is your omega’s name?” one asks.
“Jade,” Zane grunts.
“How did you meet her?” another reporter questions.
“Childhood friend,” Everett answers.
“Why her? Why do you want an omega now in the middle of a world tour?”
“Because she’s our omega,” Griffin responds.
They’re answers are short and to the point.
“If they ramble, it makes it more likely the reporters can trip them up in their words.” Calvin leans in to whisper that fact in my ear when he senses their lack of emotion when answering the questions is bothering me.
I nod and keep watching from the shadows.
They go on to ask some generic questions. A few about the London concert and the woman that I saved, a few about the tour before it’s brought back to me.
“Have you cemented the bond?” one asks. “Does she bear your bite mark?”
“Not yet,” Zane answers.
“Why is that? Do you not plan on keeping her?”
“Yes, we do,” Zane states, his tone growing more irritated.
“Does she not want to bond with you three?” he counters.
There's a pause as the three of them look at each other.
“Ahh...” Everett starts but another reporter swoops in.
“Is her lack of commitment because she’s only using you for money?”
“What?” Everett sounds surprised. “No, of course not.”
“Then why doesn’t she want to bond?”
“Is she just a play toy to you?” someone else asks.
“Of course not,” Zane snarls.