Page 48 of Queen Of Clubs
“What?” She looks at me over her shoulder, not bothering to stop. “Why?”
“Because this place is too big, too open. It’s hard to see all the angles.”
“Really?” She stops in the middle of the aisle and gives me a dry look. “You’re acting like the fucking mafia is out to get me or something. No one is going to bother me. I’m fine.”
“You’re an omega,” I growl. “All it takes is one asshole alpha to get your scent in their damn nose and for them to lose their shit.”
“It’s not like I’m in heat.” She rolls her eyes, dismissing my concern. “And this time, I really am dry as a bone.” She winks before starting to walk again. “So they won’t smell any slick. You're overthinking this. And might I remind you that you’re supposed to be blending in. You looking around like the FBI is going to snatch us up at any moment doesn’t help you accomplish that.”
“Fine,” I concede. “Speaking of heat. When was your last one?” I ask as we turn into the woman's clothes section.
“Why are you asking?” she mutters, grabbing a pair of black sweatpants and putting them in the cart.
“Because, with us being on tour and the schedule being tight, if you have your heat while we’re traveling, we’re going to need to make some adjustments.”
“That won’t be a problem,” she tells me, pushing the cart forward.
“Oh, are you on suppressants?” I’m kind of disappointed because I was looking forward to getting lost in her heat with her. All of us closed in for a week, buried inside her, her pussy strangling my knot over and over again as she screams my name and begs for more. I want to fill her with my cum, then fill her with my babies.
“Yes. I need to get some more while we’re here,” she tells me, still not making eye contact.
“How long have you been on those?” Hopefully, a while. I hate thinking about her having heats with other alphas. It should have only ever been us. Now, they will only be with us.
“A while.” She grabs a sweater and tosses it in. I don’t even think she’s paying attention to what she’s doing right now.
“Years?” I ask, giving her clothing of choice an odd look.
“How many?”
“A few.”
“Jade,” I growl. She’s withholding this information. What is she hiding?
“Four years,” she whispers.
“Four years?” My brows furrow. “How many heats did you have before going on them?” If she’s really been on them for that long, she would have only had one, maybe two.
She doesn’t answer me as she continues to throw a few tops into the cart before heading toward the underwear section. “Oh, these are cute.” She grabs a pack of scent-blocking panties.
“I’m going to need a bra too. Although, I think I’d take you up on your offer for the mall for that. Walmart never has the kind I like.”
“Jade!” I snarl.
“Fine,” she huffs, spinning around to face me. She chews on her lip, her cheeks going a little pink. “I’ve never had a heat, okay? I went on the suppressants as soon as I found out I was an omega.”
“What?” I must look like an idiot with the way my jaw is hanging open. “Never? Not once?”
“No.” She turns around again with an annoyed look on her face.
Something inside me screams with smug satisfaction. No one has been with her during her heat. She’s never been open and comfortable in that state with anyone. We get to be her first. God, that feels so fucking good. “So, we get to be your firsts and last?”
She scoffs. “Full of yourself much?”
“Nah, baby, I’m sure of myself.” I step up behind her. She sucks in a breath as I press my body into hers, letting her feel just how hard I am against the curve of her ass. “And just so you know,” I murmur, brushing my lips against her ear. “We’ve never experienced a heat either.”