Page 49 of Queen Of Clubs
“Really?” She sounds shocked. “You’re full of shit.”
“Nope.” I stay close. “It’s a long story for another time, but we tried being with an omega once. Didn’t end well.”
“Why not?” she whispers.
I run the tip of my nose along the top of her head, inhaling her scent. It’s almost enough to make me bust a nut. I need to get myself under control before I end up having my omega for the first time in the middle of a fucking Walmart. The press would have a field day with that. “Because she wasn’t you.”
“Zane.” The raw emotion in her voice right now is almost too much for me to handle. She seems to feel the same because she steps away quickly.
We walk around the store silently for a while. She tosses a few more things into the cart before heading to the shoes section. “These will do,” she says, tossing in a pair of sneakers after trying them on. “Oh my God!” She rushes forward and snatches a pair of flip-flops off a rack. “They have them!”
“Have what?” I ask.
“These!” She holds up these cheap looking things. “I’ve been looking for them everywhere.”
“I’m confused. It’s a pair of cheap flip-flops.”
“Price doesn’t matter. These things are amazing. They’re the only ones I can wear that don’t hurt my feet. The straps are a soft material. I hate the plastic ones.”
“Wait. Aren’t these the same kind you used to get?”
“Yeah.” She smiles. “I get a new pair every year.”
When she starts moving again, I quickly grab a few more pairs and toss them into the cart when she’s not looking.
I don’t bug her about it anymore as we head into health and beauty. She grabs some shampoo and other things like that before hitting up the pharmacy. She asks the pharmacist for some heat suppressants, giving them her name like it would be in their files.
“Which one do you use?” I ask her, looking at the alpha blockers as we wait for them to fill her prescription.
“How do you know I use blockers?” she asks, eyeing up the items.
“Because you haven’t mentioned how the guys and I smell. How amazing our scents are and whatnot.”
“And why would I do that?”
“Because we’ve been giving off enough pheromones around you to set off a whore house.” I chuckle, and her cheeks heat.
“Fine.” She grabs a few of the nasal sprays. “I use these.”
She shrugs. “I haven’t always, but I find working around so many alphas becomes overwhelming. Found it hard to concentrate and keep my mind clear. So I started using them, and it just became the norm for me.”
I don’t like the idea of her never being able to smell the guys and me. She will have to come off them eventually so this scent bond can kick in on her end. And she won’t be going back on them afterward.
As we get to the checkout counter to pay, she curses.
“What’s wrong?”
“I got distracted and forgot PJs.”
“Don’t worry about that. You can sleep in one of our T-shirts. Or nothing, if you’d prefer...” I give her a cocky grin.
“In your dreams, alpha.” She rolls her eyes.
“Fuck,” I groan. “I sure do love how that word sounds on your tongue. Say it again.”
She just flips me off, taking the bags and leaving me to scan my card.