Page 105 of Tempt Me
The usual niggling doubt that plagued my mind when I prepared my Memphis disguise had taken a backseat this morning. In its place was sizzling anticipation as I transformed myself into a sexy minx for my perfect stranger. The idea of going up to him kick-started a lovely purring through my insides. It was like he was already calling out to me and telling me to hurry up.
I tried to picture what I wore with him last time, in particular, which wig I chose? In my mind I went back to that night with him. We’d gone to the bar, and later in his room we’d played a guessing game with his delicious chocolates.
Closing my eyes, I had perfect recollection of him undressing me and placing his lovely hands on my hips. I’d worn my red dress and my cute blonde wig. It was amazing how much recall I had. Maybe I had a photographic memory.
That would be nice. For the rest of my life, I would have a perfect recollection of all the wonderful men I’d met this year.
I chuckled as I studied my reflection, and despite being halfway into my transformation, I liked what I saw. Plain Jane wasn’t so plain anymore.
My diary would help me remember too. Although I had no idea what I’d do with it once the year was over. The things I’d written were sacred. For my eyes only.
God help me if anyone got their hands on it.
Turning my head, I checked my love bite again. Although it had been six days since my sexy, redheaded sports physician had left his mark, it was still noticeable. But thanks to my Nars Luminous Foundation, it was now sufficiently concealed.
I tucked my hair into my blonde wig and examined the finished result thoroughly to ensure my dark hair didn’t peek out anywhere.
The last time I’d gone to Hunter was at night, and the dress I’d chosen was perfect for an evening on the town, but now, this early in the morning, I was torn over what to wear. On the Gold Coast, most people wore barely anything at all.
Last week, I’d worn my bikini, and it’d felt just right.
A cheeky little idea popped into my head. I could wear one of my fancy dress costumes. The French Maid, Poison Ivy, or the nurse outfit. I giggled as I tugged each of them out and tossed them onto the bed. Black, green, or white. Hunter had seen Memphis as a normal, supposedly sane woman. Little did he know just how far that was from the truth.
It felt so weird thinking of Memphis as another woman, and yet it had become so natural. How would I cope next year? I huffed and quickly moved on from that thought. I didn’t even want to go there. Not while there was a hot guy waiting for me just two floors away.
As I picked up each costume and held it against my body to look in the mirror, I tried to picture the look on Hunter’s face when he opened the door.
An idea formed in my mind, and although the French Maid costume had already received more than enough outings it was perfect for my plan.
I put on red French knickers and a matching red bra and tugged the costume over the top. The edge of my bra peeked above the white lace at my bust. Before this year, this would have bothered me. Not anymore, I kind of liked it. I matched my sexy lingerie with a pair of killer red stilettos with an eight-inch silver-spiked heel.
Continuing the red theme, I selected my cherry red Gucci handbag. Then I opened the zipper on my black bag to transfer my emergency supplies to my new one and was shocked to discover I had just one condom left. Lucky last.
Mental note to self: Buy more condoms. And soon.
With butterflies dancing about my stomach, I put my coat on to conceal my dress, then walked out my door and headed to the elevator. By the time I reached Hunter’s room I was jittery with excitement. The idea of spending the morning with the hunky fitness fanatic who made exquisite chocolates was the best way to kill a few hours.
Standing outside his door, I removed my coat, plumped up my boobs to ensure there was a sufficient amount of red lace showing, and then knocked. “Housekeeping,” I called out.
I heard him groan, and I giggled as I waited for the door to open. A couple of heartbeats later, the door swung wide, and the scowl on his face vanished in a flash. His eyes lit up, and his glorious smile dominated his face. My perfect stranger was at the top of the sexy-hunk food chain.
“Just Memphis!”
“Housekeeping at your service, sir?” I clasped the layers of lace in my skirt and did a little curtsy.
He chuckled and stepped aside. “Quick, come in before someone sees you.”
Laughing, I wriggled past him, strolled to his table, and tossed my bag and coat aside.
“Oh, wow. You look incredible.”
“Thank you.” I swung my hips from side to side, swishing my skirt around my thighs.
“How did you find me?”
I didn’t have an answer for that, so I shrugged, acting all coy. “I have my little spies.”
He walked from the closed door toward me. “Well, I’ll be forever grateful to them.” Hunter had taken off his shoes and socks, but he was still wearing the shorts he’d been in when I saw him downstairs.