Page 50 of Tempt Me
I tugged the clip out of my hair and tussled it around my face in a feeble attempt to hide. I seriously considered diving under the table.
“’ello,” he said as he arrived at Lolly’s side. “I hope you’re enjoying our little band.”
Lolly grinned up at him as if he were a male stripper. “Oh, it’s fabulous.” She held her hand forward, and for a horrible second, I thought she was going to touch his abs. “I’m Lolita.”
Dontrel swallowed her palm within his hand. “Dontrel. Nice to meet you.”
“This is Clayton, Calvin, and over there is Jane.”
I wanted to poke her eyeballs out.
“’ello. We play here every Friday at lunchtime. And ’ere’s my card; I’m available for private parties, too.”
“I bet you are.” Lolly smirked and winked at me.
I grabbed his offered card, although I already had one of his cards in my empty fruit bowl at home.
Lolita giggled herself stupid when Dontrel finally moved to another table. Calvin just shook his head, not even bothering to ask what she found so funny.
I breathed a sigh of relief when we finally stood to leave.
With lots of flamboyant kisses, Lolita left with her hand on Calvin’s ass as she practically shoved him out the door. Clayton and I were left standing in their wake.
“Shall I give you a lift home?”
“No. No. I’ll catch a cab. It’s not far.”
“Don’t be silly. I’ll take you.”
Knowing Lolita, this was probably yet another one of her cunning pre-laid plans. As we walked toward the parking lot, I forced myself to relax, and as we passed all the restaurants and made idle chit-chat about the boats moored in the marina, I was surprised at how comfortable I was with Clayton. He was so easy to talk to.
By the time we were seated in his black Audi, I was beginning to question what my problem was. Clayton was handsome, pleasant, funny, and considerate, and based on his fancy car, he was doing okay financially.
Plus, according to Lolly, women were falling at his feet. Maybe I shouldn’t disregard him so quickly.
We chatted about trivial things as we drove along, and I learned that he’d been working at the jewelry store at Surfers Paradise for eight years and was now the store manager.
A quick fifteen minutes later, we arrived at my hotel, and after a moment of awkwardness, I leaned over to kiss his cheek. “Thank you.”
“Would you like to have dinner sometime?”
“Oh, ummm. I work at night.”
“Yes, but Lolita said you get Wednesdays off. Is that right?”
I nodded. Lolita sure was a chatterbox. I squirmed on my seat as I pre-empted what Clayton was about to ask.
He blinked at me, obviously expecting my answer to his unasked question.
“So, can I take you to dinner next Wednesday?”
Butterflies flitted through my stomach. “I have to warn you, I’m not very good company.”
“I think you’re delightful.”
The butterflies did a little dance as I agreed to him picking me up outside the Hot Horizon Hotel at six o’clock next Wednesday.
I had a bounce in my step as I walked into the hotel lobby, and my brain was so preoccupied that I didn’t do my usual gallop across the marble expanse to avoid getting trapped by Marjorie, the afternoon manager.