Page 51 of Tempt Me
“Hey, Jane.”
I was too late to realize my mistake, so I strolled toward her. “Hey, Marj, how are you?”
I hugged her, feeling her bony shoulders beneath my hands. The poor woman really needed a good steak. “It’s been busy. I swear this place is increasing its occupancy rates every week.”
“That’s a good thing. Keeps us in a job.”
“Yes, but I liked it better when I could at least do my nails occasionally.” She chuckled.
“Are we full tonight?” May was usually a bit quieter, and the average occupancy sat at around seventy percent.
“Nearly. It’s weird.”
I frowned. “Hmm, it is weird.” I had no answer for this strange occurrence. “Anyway, I’m off to get a little sleep. See you in six hours.”
“Sure thing. Have a good nap.”
After a quick hug goodbye, I made my way to my room. The wine I’d consumed at lunch made me a little sleepy. I tugged open my blinds and stepped onto the balcony to breathe in the lovely sea air, hoping the fresh breeze would clear my fuzzy head. As I leaned on the railing, voices drifted up from below.
I looked down and couldn’t believe my eyes. Dontrel had just stepped out of a large black van with his drum tucked under his arm.
It was a little difficult to hear what he was saying, but I thought he’d agreed to be back there at nine o’clock. He laughed and then slid the sliding panel door shut, and the van glided away.
Dontrel did his sexy swagger into my hotel.
Suddenly wide awake, I seized the opportunity. Dontrel had unwittingly declared himself my twentieth passion partner. I just had to figure out which room he was in.
I waited ten minutes, confident that was enough time for Dontrel to vacate the lobby before I went downstairs.
“Hi Jane,” Marjorie said as I crossed the lobby toward her.
“Hey, did I leave my phone down here? I haven’t been able to find it all day.” I hated how good I was at lying these days.
“Oh, I haven’t seen it.” Marjorie’s eyes scanned the computer desk.
I arrived at her side and made a show of looking in the drawers.
I needed her to leave for a couple of seconds. “Can you check the storeroom for me?” I felt ill over my sneakiness and yet I continued my ruse all the same.
The second she disappeared into the room at the back, I attacked the index cards. My fingers worked at superhero speed as I scanned through the deck for his last name.
Got it.I pinched out the card. Dontrel’s driver’s license photo did not show him in all his gloriousness. His skin was much more luscious than the picture showed.
He was in room three.
I shoved the cards away and went in search of Marjorie. “Any luck?”
“Me neither. It must be upstairs. Don’t worry, I’ll find it.” I touched her arm and felt appalled at my ability to lie to her so easily.
My crazy double life was making me extremely devious.
I returned to my room, and with thoughts of Mr. Holy Hotness undressing two floors below, I hopped into the shower to refresh.
The image of his enormous cock bounced into my head.