Page 10 of Tease Me
I mentally pushed my tongue back into my mouth and forced it to work. “Ahhh, yes.”
“Good, ’causeyou’re going toneed some protein with what I have planned.”
“Oh.”Please tell me . . . before I self-combust.
He turned side-on to the stove, and his cock stood large and proud.I certainly didn’t have to worry about hair in my food because,other than his buzz cut, he had none.
To improve my view, I stepped to the counter.
Did I take an elevator to heaven?
The eagle tattooed on his back came alive as he stirred the eggs and flipped the bacon. The muscles of his ass, much whiter than his legs, were perfectly formed, and all I wanted to do was clutch them and squeeze my fingers into that yummy flesh.
He turned with a stern look on his face and cocked his head at me. “Well, get your gear off!”
My eyes bulged. “Pardon?”
“Strip off, woman. The eggs are nearly ready.”
My jaw dropped, and I blinked at him, dumbfounded, as he turned his focus back to breakfast.
I did as he commanded and stripped out of my clothes. Naked, I shook my damp hair out of the band and tousled it a bit.
Not sure what to do next, I returned to my spot at the counter to watch the show.
He turned to me, frying pan in one hand, wooden spoon in the other, and an enormous erection between his legs. My eyes hit frenzy mode as I tried to take it all in.
I’d never had a man cook for me before, and certainly not a naked one.
Including the kiss on the beach, thatwas three firsts in one morning.I wasn’t sure I could handle it.
Corben divided the food between two dishes and then pushed a plate and cutlery to my side of the counter. “Enjoy.”
I’d launched into some kind of kinky cooking show as we ate our breakfast stark naked in his kitchen. The sun shone in through the window as laser beams, highlighting the contours of his shoulders and bicep and giving life to that already impressive rose tattoo. I tried to be discreet with my glances at him.
Corben, on the other hand, was not so subtle, and my hardened nipples grew even harder under his gaze.
The eggs were good, and the bacon wasexactlyhow I liked it—crispy—but I resistedeating too much, fearful that I may be in for some acrobatics in a few minutes.
Neither of us spoke, and as voyeuristic heaven hit a whole new level, shudders started between my legs and rolled through me.
His erection remained rock-hard through the entire meal, and I made a mental note to ask Lolly if she’d ever heard of that before. Maybe Corben had swallowed a bucket of Viagra before breakfast, and I was in for a marathon session. The thought convinced me to stop eating.
“That was delicious.” I pushed my plate aside and gulped down water.I swirled it around,trying to ensure no bits of breakfastwere leftin my teeth.
He smiled, and wow, the muscle god in the kitchen became even hotter. Corben had it all going on. No wonder he’d been a finalist in the Mr. Universe competition. As I committed the vision to memory, I prayed I’d remember it for the rest of my life.
Corben tossed our plates into the sink, turned to me, wrapped his hand around his cock, and pumped it once. “Ready.”
It wasn’t a question; it was a statement, and I just about passed out at the sexy command in his voice. “Uh-huh.” Words were no longerimportant.
He came around the counter and reached for my hand, andfora second, I thought hewas going tolead me in a dance. With one hand curled around my waist to rest on my lower back and his other hand cupping my neck, he eased me back and sucked my breast into his mouth. The unexpected move had my clit pulsing out a heady beat.
I tilted my head back and felt completely safe in his arms as he flitted his attention from one breast to the other. His cock was ahardrod, nudging against my hip, and I wrapped my fingers around him and trailed my hand up and down his length. Silky-smooth skin glided over his solid rod as I pumped from the base of his cock to the swollen crown.
Corben groaned, and as Igroanedwith him, tingles shuddered through me.
I rolled my finger over the slit in his crown, capturing a drop of semen that pooled there, and I used it to lubricate him. He smelt incredible, a potent mix of spice, soap, and hot-blooded man.