Page 9 of Tease Me
I raced at him ina lameattempt to tackle him down. My brother had taught me this move many moons ago, andwhilstI’d managed to overthrow Tyler on many occasions, Corben didn’t budge. Instead, he threw me over his shoulder, my butt in the air and my fists pummeling his perfect ass as he carried me out of the water.
He paused to pick up our shoes and his shirt before hecarried onwalking up the beach. Iwasa caveman’s woman being manhandled to the love den.Yay me!
My fiery battle against him petered out quickly, and soon, I was a soggy sack over his shoulder. He carried meall the wayup the sand and over the wooden boardwalk and didn’t set me down until we were on the path that ran parallel to the beach.
I shoved my wet hair from my eyes and tugged my shirt down over my exposed belly. “Well, that was interesting.”
“That, Jane, was fun.” His teeth dazzled in the sunshine.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t have fun.”
I gave him a sad face. “It was cold.”
“Yes, and now, when you comeupto my room, I’ll warm you up.”
Suddenly, Corben had a lot to say, and every word cast a magical spell, enchanting me.
“Okay,” I said like a horny teenager on a first date. My purring insides hit inferno mode, heating me from the inside out . . . which was good because my teeth chattered from the freezing water.
He handed my shoes over. “I assume you don’t want us seen together.” He smacked my butt. “So, get moving, sexy. I’ll be waiting for you in room twenty-four.” He strode away, leaving me to watch his perfect ass yet again.
My shivering was what finally got me moving.
Iscootedacross the lobby, trying not to drip too much on the marble tiles. Needledick was behind the reception desk, and thankfully, he was on the phone again. He nodded at me, and I prayed he didn’t finish the call before the elevator arrived. I made it across the lobby in record time and pressed the button.
Corben must have sent it back down for me because the doors openedright away. I stepped in and jabbed the button for my floor. As I shivered in the elevator, I studied my reflection. My hairwas scrambledin all directions, my freckles were out in plague proportions, and my lips werea shade ofblue from the cold. I turned away, disappointed with the view.
When the doors pinged open, Imade my wayto my room, peeled off my soggy clothes, and hopped into the shower to wash my hair. As I lathered up, my attention switched to Corben. He was aninterestingman. If I’d had a year to think about our morning together, I would never have predicted him throwing me into the ocean like that. His serious demeanor had justshown a slight crack, and I liked what I saw.
After I toweled off, I blasted my hair with the blow-dryer for a couple of minutes, then gave up and tied it into a ponytailinstead. I put ona touch ofmakeup—just enough to cover my freckles and darken my lashes.
Atmy closet, I chose an ankle-length skirt, colorful in design, full in fabric and with an elastic waist that was perfect for easy removal. I matched the skirt with a simple white off-the-shoulder top. The last time I’d worn this was when Henryhadmade my body sing while I lay naked before the full moon.I loved that some items in my closet now hadwonderfulmemories connected to them.
This time, however, I decided against a bra. My nipples showed as circular disks with tiny lumps beneath the sheer white fabric. It was naughty and sexy andtotallytitillating.
I slipped on flat sandals, grabbed my bag and room keycard, and headed to the elevator. Anticipation made my insides tinglewith each stepas I made my way to his room.I knocked once, and a couple of thumping heartbeats later, he opened the door.
His erection pointed right at me. “You’re late.”
Holy hotness on a hotplate.“Umm, sorry, I?—”
He let the door go, and Ijustmanaged to palm it and push on the heavy wood before it closed in front of my face.
I stepped into his room in time to admire his bare butt as he walked to the kitchen. The door clicked closed, and I nearly tripped over my tongue as I followed him inside.
“You hungry?” He picked a wooden spoon off the counter.
“Ummm, pardon?” I picked my tongue off the floor and placed my bag on a dining chair.
“I hope you like eggs.”
“Huh.” My brain couldn’t function as my clit pulsed to a crazy beat that reverberated through my body and rendered my mind useless.
“Eggs,” he said as he stirred a pan on the hotplate. “Do you eat them?”