Page 13 of Tease Me
He clenched his jaw. “I’m going to gether. You watch.” He rubbed his right fist in his left palm, no doubt attempting some kind of “I’m in charge” stance.
That simple move got me angry. For a man in charge, he sure didn’t act it. “Why do you even think she’s a prostitute?”
“She walks like one.”
“Oh, and how many prostitutes have you seen?”
His mouth gaped, and he blinked a few times. “Well, none in person. Only what I’ve seen on television.”
“Excellent. So, how exactly did this woman look?” I thrust my chin at him, showing him who was boss.
“She had on a trench coat and?—”
“Oh, well then.” I rolled my eyes and flipped my hand. “She’sobviouslya prostitute.”
“No . . . it was more than that.”
“What then?”
He frowned and shook his head so fast it was possible itcouldfall off. “You’ll know when you see her.”
I waved my handin a dismissive move, turned on my heel, and headed toward the elevator—then, at the thought of him perving on my bottom, I turned and walked backward.“I think you’re making a mistake withher,” I yelled across the lobby.
“Mark my words, with all these men asking for Memphis, she’ll come back, and when she does, I’ll make her regret she ever came here.”
Thank God the elevator pinged open. I stepped in and collapsed against a wall as I jabbed the button to my floor a million times.How many men have been asking for me?
I glared at my reflection, and a littlebit ofdread glared back at me. Icy barbs stabbed my back as the elevator made its slow crawl upward, and, in the silence, the angel and the devil in my brain kicked into a fierce debate.
You are not a prostitute.
But you do sleep with random strangers.
That doesn’t make me a prostitute—just horny.
Yes, but your horny inclinations are making you take uncharacteristic risks.
But the risks are worth it.
Worth losing your job over?
By the time I’d reached my room and opened the door, my head was spinning. Around and around, the debate cycled until I wanted to squeeze my temples so hard that my brain might burst from the top. I put the kettle on and strode to the bath. With the taps on full, I dumped all the contents of the bubble bath Marjorie had given me for Christmas into the tumbling water.
With the angel and devil in my head about to break into a fistfight, I strode out onto my balcony, clutched at the railing, and sucked in the fresh ocean breeze.In through my nose, out my mouth.Closing my eyes, I repeated the meditation and let the glorious sunshine warm my flesh. Even though the sun was shining, winter still had a slight chill in the air.
I snapped my eyes open and blinked at the glare.
I peered over the railing and couldn’t believe my eyes. Henry Addison, my suave tutor, stood next to a sleek black car and waved up at me. Even from this distance, I saw the huge smile on his face.
Giggling, I waved down at him.
“Want to go for a ride?”
Hell, yes.Heheld two arms abovehishead as if ready to catch me.