Page 14 of Tease Me
“Okay.” Henry didn’t know it, but he’d already caught me many timesover. “Give me ten minutes.”
“Excellent. I’ll wait right here.” He patted the car’s rooftop.
I squealed as I raced back inside, peeling off my clothes at frightening speed. Thoughts of flopping into bed evaporated, and my heart entered a playful gallop as I turned off the bath taps, pulled the plug, and turned on the shower. In the hot cascade as I lathered in my favorite mandarin-scented soap, the angel and devil debate I’d had just minutes ago was long gone, replacedinsteadwith brilliant images of Henry with his magical hands all over my body. Hereallydid know exactly how to save me.
After I toweled off, I applieda touch ofmakeup to cover my freckles and darken my lashes. I brushed my teeth and dabbed some Pinky Promiselippyon. Now to choose what to wear.It occurred to me that I should ask Henry where we were going.
I tried to picture what he had on downstairs, and after a moment’s pause, I wasfairlycertainhe’d been in jeans. That convinced me that casual was the way to go. I chose denim jeans and a blue-and-white striped T-shirt. I tugged on a dark blue blazer and wrapped a navy silk scarf around my neck, then matched itupwith fake pearl earrings and a matching necklace.
Glancing at my shoes, I mulled over which ones to choose.So many of them had never been worn, and I loved giving them sexy memories. Reaching to the back of my closet, I plucked a pair of caramel-colored Splendid Jayla sandals. The wedge cork heel was only three inches high; hopefully, it wouldbe suitable forwhatever Henry had planned.
I glanced in the mirror.Grinned.Chewedon my lip and grinned some more. I was positively glowing. Something about Henry made me look good.
With a skip in my step, I grabbed my bag, sunglasses, and room key, and inthe elevator, I fiddled with my hair until I arrived at the lobby.I wiped the smile away as I strode past Needledick with a scowl.
My smilewas backonce I entered the sunshine, and my insides flipped over the prospect of a couple of hours with my suave tutor.
Henry strolled to me and placed his hand on the small of my back when he kissed my cheek. He smelled perfect; spices of the Orient drifted off his skin as he kissed my other side. If my memory served me correctly, he was wearing the same aftershaveashe had the first time we’d met. Maybe it was his lucky scent. It sure was mine.
He guided me to his car and opened the door for me to step in. I wriggled into the seat and inhaled fresh leather odors as he came around the driver’s side.
“New car?” I asked the second he sat beside me.
“Oh.” It occurred to me that I had no idea where Henry lived.Actually,I barely knew anything about him. I’d just jumped into a car with a near stranger. Yet, somehow, that bothered me very little.In fact,it inspired me to learn more about this sexy older man at my side.
As he accelerated away, I decided that now was the ideal time for it. “So, do you live near here?”
“No. Sydney.”
“Oh. Did you fly up for another conference?”
He slowed down to stop at a red light. “No . . . to see you.” He turned, and the intensity in his dark irises caught in the light through the sunroof.
My jaw dropped, and I nearly needed my palm to slot it back into place. “Oh.” Words were impossible to form.
Thankfully, the light turned green, and he returned his attentionbackto the road. He reached up, flicked a button and the glass panel in the roof glided open.Sunstreamed in, bathing me in a lovely warm glow.
“Is that okay?” His voice was equally warm.
“It’s perfect.”
We drovein silencefor a while, with the ocean on my left-hand side and him on my right. Everywhere I looked, my vista was magnificent.
Henry had a comfortable yet intriguing aura about him. I didn’t think I’d ever felt so relaxed next to a man, and as the miles rolled on, I reminded myself of how lucky I was to have met him.It would never have happened without Memphis, and I’dbe forever grateful to her for that.
“What are you thinking about?”
He caught me off guard. “Oh, ummm . . .”
“There’s no need to keep secrets from me. We don’treallyknow each other.”
“It’s . . . it’s not that, it’s?—”
“Tell me quick, or I’ll think you’re fibbing.”
I gasped at him.