Page 44 of Tease Me
Within seconds, Needledick was on the floor clutching his balls and groaning like he was giving birth.
The doors pinged open, and I stepped over him andscurriedacross the lobby.My heartwas an earthquakeas I strode up the street, eager to put serious distance between me and the hotel.
Ten minutes and fiveor soblocks away, I did the inevitable and rang Lolita.
“Hey, babe, what’s up?”
“Feel like picking up Memphis again?”
She burst out laughing. “Hell yeah. Where are you?”
“I’m at the playground parking lot at Currawa Beach. Do you know it?”
“I’ll find it. I won’t be there for about twenty minutes, though. Is that okay?”
I screamed on the inside. “Yeah, that’s fine.”
She laughed as she hung up. I scanned the area, looking for a place to hide.Deciding it was best to steer clear of the kids playground, I chose to stand next to the trunk of a gnarly old tree that looked as if it’d withstood centuries of coastal wind. From my vantage pointI’d be able tosee Lolita drive into the parking lot.
As I counted out the minutes, I tried to ignore the disgusted looks from the young women pushing over-decorated baby carriages toward the swings.
My thoughts turned to my boss, and soon, the anguish over what I’d donehad my heart rightback into earthquake mode. I was in trouble. Memphis had gone too far this time.
I actually assaulted him.
I was a quivering messby the timeLolita’s enormous Jeep Grand Cherokee drove into the parking lot. Leaving my shelter, I strode toward her, but she didn’t slow down.
I ran toward the car, and as she sped past, I yelled out, but she must not have heard.
Frantically waving above my head, I stood in the middle of the parking lotin a desperate attemptto catch her attention.
The brake lights went on, and her car lurched to a stop in the middle of the road.I ran as fast as my heels could take me, and the second she stepped from the driver’s side door, I heardbothher thumping music andherraucous cackle.
She came around the back of the car, and her cackle hit hysteria. Her perky boobs threatened to bobble right out of her low-cut top as she folded over in fits of laughter.
I rolled my eyes as I slowed my approach.
“Fucking hell, babe, who are you?”
“Can we just get in the car?”
“Look at your eyes. Is that purple? Ooooh, I want some. Wow, you’ve even got gold eye shadow?—”
“Lolly, please.”
She hugged me to her chest and her shoulders jiggled withherexcitement. “You’re a scream, babe.” She pulled back.“Now get in.I want all the juicy details.”
We slipped into our seats, and as I did up my seatbelt, she shut down the music and turned to me. “First, are you hurt?”
“No.” I rolled my eyes. “But Needledick may be.”
Her perfectly trimmed brows shot up her forehead. “Needledick? What happened?”
I debated for about three seconds over telling her to move from the middle of the road, but knowing it was pointless, I told her what I’d done to my boss.
“Holy shit. I wish I’d seen that. Fucking bastard deserved it.”
I scrunched up my nose. “Not really. Allhedid was clutch my wrist.”