Page 45 of Tease Me
She pointed her bright pink fingernail at me. “No. It was more than that.Hetried to restrain you. Silly bastard shouldn’t have done that. He doesn’t know who he’s messing with.”
A car horn beeped behind us, and Lolita simultaneously gave them the finger and put the car into gear.
As she drove from the parking lot, I pulled off the black wig andlet out a huge sigh.“I’m in trouble.”
“No, you’re not. Memphis may be, but not Jane. You remember that.”
That was true.
“You just need to be more careful.”
“I am careful, but whatam I supposed todo when I run into him in the elevator like that?”
She started to chuckle. “Kickhimin the balls, of course.”
Her giggles were contagious, and soon we were both belly-laughing.
The drive to her house took less than twenty minutesand bythat time, I had my hair unpinned and thanks to her travel makeup kit, I removed most of my makeup.
As I plucked out my purple contacts, Lolly asked me where I got them from.
“The optometrist at Pacific Fair. They werereallycheap.”
“Wow, I want some.”
I didn’t bother asking what for, afraid of what she might say. I wrapped the lavender disks into a tissue. The paper would ruin the contacts, but I wasn’t too worried; I couldn’t foresee myself wearing that color againanyway.
She pulled into her driveway, and I felt like I’d been hit by a Mack truck as we made our way inside. “Is Calvin home?” I dreaded that he might be.
“No. Poor bastard is going tobe so pissedthat he missed this.”
Lolly led the way, and at the kitchen table, she pulled out a chair and urged me to sit. “Now I want to hear all about the sex and don’t miss even one thing.”
I groaned, sighed, and then, determined to get it over as quickly as possible, I replayed every sordid detail.
“Holy shit, babe. That sounds fucking awesome.”
“Yeah, it was pretty good.”
“Pretty good? Sounds way better than that.”
I closed my eyes. My morning full of adrenaline rushes made me feel like I’d climbed Mount Everest.
She clicked her fingers. “Oh, I get it.”
I snapped my eyes open.Oh no, here we go with the lecture.
“You’re having doubts, right?”
I nodded, thenplonked my headon the table and stared at a tinylittlespeck in the white marble as I waited out her impending speech.
“Here we go again. Don’t worry about Needledick; he deserves everything he gets. Was he late today?”
“Yep, didn’t get in until a quarter to eight.”
“What? Fucking hell. Jane should’ve kicked him in the balls.”
I huffed and sat up.