Page 76 of Long Hard Road
“I know.” Anger flashed in her eyes. “You’ve done really well for yourself, bagging a pretty, rich girl.”
“Is that why you slashed her tires? Jealousy?” I scoffed. “Or were you angry? Pissed that I found someone who doesn’t treat me like shit?”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Her façade of regret and sorrow vanished, replaced by a steely mask of indifference. “I only got to town today.”
“Still a liar, Fiona. At least you are consistent.” I relaxed slightly when Ellison walked through the door with two uniformed officers. They headed straight to our table. “Madison has cameras at her cabin, Fi. We know it was you.” I pushed back my chair and stood as the officers flanked her chair.
Fiona’s eyes went wild when she realized what was happening. One officer had handcuffs ready as he took her elbow and started reciting her Miranda rights.
“What the fuck is this?” she yelled, eliciting even more stares from the other patrons. “Nate, you don’t want to do this. You’re just angry, but you need to think this through. What about the kids?”
“What about them?” I was trying not to let her words get to me but I wanted to know that Cassidy and Connor were safe.
“Don’t engage her,” Ellison said quietly.
“You asshole. I cannot believe you are doing this to get revenge on me for cheating on you.” Fiona was nearly spitting she was so angry. She looked like a rabid dog, struggling against the officers as they pulled her away from the table.
“You need to find out if the kids are safe,” I told Ellison. “I don’t want them locked in a hotel room somewhere alone and scared.”
He shook his head. “The kids are fine. Fiona has an aunt in Nebraska. I called this morning and she said that her niece dropped off the kids about a month ago and she’s been watching them ever since.” When he saw I was unconvinced about their safety, he added, “I did a little digging into the aunt’s background. She’s a good person. Actually fosters kids and has a good job. Nice house. The kids will be safe with her.”
I felt marginally better, but that didn’t help with the open gawking everyone was doing. I knew this meltdown was going to become the top gossip for the locals. Eventually, my siblings and parents would hear about it.
“Thanks for your help with this,” I said, shaking Ellison’s hand. “Stay for a drink? On the house.”
He hesitated before nodding. “I’d like that.” His expression was still tense. “We need to talk about Madison.”
“Are you really going to leave us next week?” Lily asked as she refilled my cup with wine. This was at least my third glass and I was delightfully tipsy.
“I have to. My agent has some photo shoots lined up and then I have to go to an award show in a couple of weeks.” I should’ve been excited that my album was nominated, but I hated the kind of attention that came with those events. Hours in hair and makeup, ridiculously uncomfortable dress, and polite schmoozing on the red carpet.
“Your life is so glamorous,” Harper said with a sigh. “Crestwood just can’t compete.”
“I don’t know,” Lily said with a conspiratorial smile. “We have one thing that Hollywood doesn’t have.” She wagged her eyebrows. “Sullivan men.”
I laughed and held up my glass in a toast. “Can’t argue with that.”
“Okay, gross.” Harper faked a gag. “But also… I like you with my brother, Madi. He smiles again now that you’re in his life.”
“He didn’t smile before?” I decided to pretend that Nate hadn’t told me about his trauma. I didn’t want Harper digging for information from me.
“He did before he moved away. Nate isn’t like my other brothers. The rest of them all knew exactly what they wanted to do with their lives before they even graduated high school. Nate was always too busy helping other people to worry about himself. I know he’s been through some stuff that he doesn’t talk about and it always hurt my heart knowing that he was dealing with everything alone. I’m glad he’s not alone anymore.” She gave me a big smile and Lily punched her arm.
“Hey. I thought I was your favorite future sister-in-law.”
Harper shrugged. “I love you, Lil, but that has nothing to do with you dating my brother.”
“Do you think you’ll come back to Crestwood in the future?” Lily asked, shifting in her oversized chair.
“I’m not sure. I’d like to return someday.” That was a lie. I didn’t want to return because I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to keep having relaxing mornings and sexy nights with Nate. I wanted to try out those chairs on his porch and see the trees around his house change colors with the seasons. I wanted him to ask me to stay.
I stared into the crackling fire and felt a familiar dread returning. Anytime I thought about leaving Crestwood, my stomach churned.
All three of us turned at the sound of heavy footsteps and loud voices heading toward us from the pathway. I identified Nate’s voice instantly and felt a familiar tingle in my spine as I waited for him to appear.