Page 77 of Long Hard Road
Evan was with him and both of them looked gorgeous in the moonlight. I could understand why Lily was practically drooling at the sight of her fiancé, but I preferred the man stalking toward me with a predatory gaze.
“Hey, angel.” He put his hands on each of my chair’s arms and leaned down to kiss me. I tasted just a hint of beer on his lips. “Good night with the girls?”
“Yeah. I missed you.” I locked my fingers into his hair and pulled him close again, this time kissing him longer than before. “How was the bar?”
“Lonely without you there.” His smile was sweet but it didn’t reach his eyes and he looked tired. “Ready to go check out the Airstream?”
“I don’t know. I’m pretty comfortable here.” I faked a yawn. “I might be too tired to move.”
“Not a problem.” He had me scooped out of the chair and cradled in his arms before I knew what was happening. “Good night, everyone. We’ll see you in a few days.”
“Great talking to you, brother,” Harper grumbled.
“You don’t have to carry me, Nate.” My protest was unconvincing since I was snuggling more comfortably into his arms.
“How much did you drink tonight?” He kept his eyes ahead of us to make sure he wasn’t about to walk us into a tree. Our Airstream was one of the secluded ones that was slightly off the main path.
“Three glasses of wine. Just enough to agree to do whatever you want in bed but not so much that I’ll regret it.” I traced a finger over the dusting of stubble on his tense jaw. “You look stressed, honey. Did something happen tonight?”
“Let’s wait until we’re in the Airstream and then I’ll fill you in.” He pressed his lips to my temple and the warmth of his kiss spread all the way down my neck. “You are freezing, Madison.”
“I didn’t want to sit too close to the fire because I didn’t want to reek of smoke tonight.” My eyelids felt heavy and I fought to keep them open. “I’m sleepy.”
“Hang tight. We’re almost there.” His arms shifted a moment later as he fumbled a key into a lock.
The lights that Lily had strung to add some ambient lighting outside the Airstreams cast a soft glow across Nate’s face. It made the angles of his bone structure look even sharper. His eyelashes looked impossibly long and his jaw tightened as he struggled to turn the key with me in his arms.
“You’re beautiful,” I said, no longer tired or buzzed. My fingers sprayed over his cheek. “It almost hurts to look at you.”
“You’re drunk,” he said with an awkward laugh, shoving open the door.
“I’m not. But even if I was, it wouldn’t make my statement any less true.” I nudged his chest with my elbow. “Guys as hot as you aren’t also supposed to be nice. And good at sex. You’re supposed to be cocky and rude and a selfish lover.”
“Thanks for the tip.” He put me gently on my feet. “I don’t think I can carry you inside without accidentally banging your head on the wall.”
“And you’d prefer to be banging my head against a headboard?” I joked.
He sighed and waved a hand through the open doorway. “Get inside before you freeze to death.”
“That could never happen when I’m standing by a hottie like you.” I slapped his ass before ducking inside.
The Airstream really wasn’t more than a bed. Our overnight bags were on the floor and someone had left a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket on the tiny table tucked in a corner across from a small fridge.
“It’s cozy.” I made a quick assessment. “I’m afraid you’re not going to be able to get very creative in here.”
“We’ll make do.” He eased in behind me and shut and locked the door. “All we need is the bed, angel.”
His hand slid over my hip and I wrapped my fingers around his wrist. “Not so fast, Sullivan. Tell me what happened at the bar that has you looking so grumpy.”
“Fiona.” Her name was a grunt from his lips.
I whirled. “Did she do something? Leave a threat?”
“No, she came in and had a drink.” His glare settled on the wall behind me. “Which means she’s even crazier than I thought.”
“I’m going to need more details than that.” I patted his chest. “But first, are you okay? It had to be upsetting to see her again.”
His eyes came back to me and he stroked a hand along my neck. “I’m good. It was… strange to talk to her again. But once the shock wore off, I was able to say some things that needed to be said. I got a little bit of closure.”