Page 33 of Player For Hire
I dragged myself up and into the kitchen for the water she’d mentioned in the fridge. It had more sugar than was probably wise, but the list of vitamins on the side was the deciding factor. I chugged it and took my own cold slice now that I was a little more alert. I didn’t really want it, but I knew the grease would kill the last of the ick.
I went back into the dining nook and folded myself into my chair. “Now what do I do?”
“Go over there with a notebook, pen, and your phone. Are you going to take videos too?”
“What? You want class to be in session.” She snickered.
“I mean, if it’s class then it doesn’t include emotion. Then we won’t get messy or anything.”
“One way to do it.”
“Don’t sound so dubious.” I tore through the crust and nibbled on a corner.
“You don’t have to make it...what was the word he used? Transactional? It’s okay to just have fun.”
“I’ve jumped from relationship to relationship because I don’t know how to make it fun.”
“Then you learn. Hello. Class is in session!”
“I hate you.” I lifted my mug and drained the last of the cup.
“No, you don’t. But this will be fun to watch, that’s for sure. And I want all your notes.”
“I think you’re just fine in that regard.”
Iona waggled her eyebrows. “Always looking to learn a few new techniques to blow someone’s...mind.”
I took both our mugs into the kitchen. “The worst.”
“The best.” Iona got another slice of pizza and a Diet Coke from the fridge then went into the living room and plopped herself on the couch. “I’m such a good friend that I’ll even let you have the shower first.”
“Thanks. I need it.”
“Then I’m going to get you ready.”
I paused on my way down the hall to our shared bathroom. “Don’t you mean I’ll be getting myself ready? I’ve been doing it for a long time.”
“Yes, but I have the good stuff to get you cute to go next door and wake up Colder.”
“I don’t know...”
“I know. I have a bunch of new stuff in my stash from Frankie. She’s branching out into undergarments this spring and summer. I have something perfect for you.”
“I’m not much of a lingerie girl.”
“I know, but I have just the thing. Now get yourself all clean, so Colder can get you dirty.”
“What if he’s not ready? I don’t even have his phone number to check.”
“It’s going to take us a little time to get you ready and by then, he’s usually up and moving. Now go on and get.”
I was definitely the novice when it came to seduction, so I’d defer to Iona. Since I had a little time to kill, I went with a little extra effort in the shaving, buffing, and exfoliating department. By the time I was done, I was moisturized and felt more like myself. Except for the bundle of nerves alive in my belly.
I wrapped myself in my bathrobe and stepped out.
“Finally. Whoa, look at you! You are practically glowing.”