Page 34 of Player For Hire
“Too much?” I tucked my hair behind my ear.
“Not at all. The best canvas for me.” Iona dragged me down the hall to her room. “Love the hair too. In the light, it has even more streaks of gold. We’re going to definitely play up that girl next door vibe you have going on.”
“Boring next door?”
“Nope. Guys love a fresh face.” She narrowed her eyes. “God, did you even put on any makeup?”
“Just moisturizer and some mascara.”
“Lucky duck,” she muttered. “You smell like a raspberry treat. He’s gonna eat you up.”
“I hope so.” Instantly, I flushed at the thought.
“That’s my girl.” She pushed me on her bed, then she went to the rolling rack in the corner and pulled out a case stashed at the bottom. “These aren’t exactly my style, but I thought they’d be fun for a trunk sale. You can be my tester.” She dropped the heavy suitcase on the bed and unzipped it.
“I don’t know, Iona. Oh...” I couldn’t resist leaning closer to look at all the colors inside. I was expecting wild contraptions in lace, but instead, I saw satin and silk with flirty ruffles.
Iona stared at the lot of it with her hands on her hips, then she started plucking things out and holding them up against my face. “Nope. Not the right color for you. I like this one though.” She tossed hot pink boy shorts beside me, along with a pair of low-rise polka dotted panties in the same color. Not quite bikinis but not full briefs.
I held up the polka dots and noticed the dip along the front.
“You’re a what? C cup?”
I glanced down at the vee of my bathrobe. “Ish.”
She held up a lacy bralette. “Let’s go with the sweet to start, then we can get the sexy stuff out when you’re more...advanced.”
I shimmied into the panties under my robe then shrugged out of it for the bra.
Iona folded her arms and gave me an arched brow. “Those boobs are bigger than when we were in college.”
“So is my ass.” I pulled on the bralette. “Why, does it look bad?”
She shook her head. “Not at all. Damn, girl.” She pushed me in front of the mirror. “Look at you.”
“Holy crap, is that me?” I stepped closer and lifted my breasts to settle them better into the slight support built into it. There wasn’t much and if I was any bigger, I definitely wouldn’t have been able to wear it. But the panties went high on my legs and low in the front making me look like I got way more gym time than I did.
Iona twirled me around. “Even better than I was expecting. Colder is going to swallow that talented tongue of his.”
“You think?” I nibbled on the corner of my thumb.
Iona smacked my hand away. “None of that. You look great. Just one thing.” She went over to the top of her dresser, which was full of potions and lotions of some kind. I was pretty sure Iona spent half her income on cosmetics. She came back with a little bottle. “Put a little of this on behind your ear and between your boobs.”
“What is it?”
“Just a little something I picked up from a nearby place. Has a blend of essential oils that will get you in the mood.”
I raised my eyebrows. “Why?”
“Because you’re nervous. Don’tworry, there’s nothing crazy in here. It’s not made for that kind of partying.” She laughed.
I dabbed a little on and handed it back to her. “Oh, it’s warming.”
“Yeah, it’s good stuff. Works with that raspberry thing you have going on. I’m more of a spicy girl, so you keep it.”
I curled it into my palm. “Are you sure?”
“Definitely. Oh, one more thing.” She went back to her dresser and opened the bottom drawer of one of her many acrylic organizers. She turned back with two foil packets. “Safety first.”