Page 58 of Shattered Magic
It was fun to sit in the silent club and share a meal. He also saw that she committed the sacrilege of steak sauce for her steak. She swore him to secrecy, and he laughed.
Hari looked around the clean and polished club. “This place has been home to me. Well, this place and the gym.”
“It’s charming and surprisingly clean.”
She laughed. “Women run it. We are fussy about scents and jizz.”
He cocked his head. “Do you have that problem frequently?”
“Not enough to be a concern but frequently enough to keep a lot of bouncers on site.” She smiled. “Two at the door and six working the club.”
“That’s quite a few.”
“Yes, considering the clientele, it is better safe than stupid. The ogres send their convention goers here. We bulk up for special events.”
He nodded. “If you ever have need of sudden guards, I can arrange something.”
“I will keep that in mind. Thanks. Well, I am just going to get these dishes cleaned, and then we can go wherever you like.”
“You do your own dishes?”
“Sure, when there is no one here to do it for me. They are not my favourite thing to do.” She collected the plates and cutlery and headed to the kitchen.
She washed and scrubbed everything in nearly scalding water, lining them up on a rack. Her hands recovered as she drained the sink and towelled them dry.
She left everything tidy and verified that the food orders had been put through, checked the supplies, and placed that order, and while she was doing that, Zerul was slowly spinning on the forward pole on stage.
Hari finished her tasks and grinned as she watched him slowly move. She pulled out her phone and started some music.
He paused and smiled. “Ah, I am guessing you can do this better?”
“I certainly have more practice.”
He looked innocently at her. “If you have time.”
She laughed and flapped her hands at him until he stepped out of her rotational reach.
She changed the song, took off her jacket, and reached high as she took a few steps, launched herself upward, and began a simple routine that ended up with her on the floor, head back, and heels touching the back of her skull. The song shifted, and she got to her feet, straightening her dress and putting her jacket back on.
Zerul was staring at her. “That was... If I installed one of those at the mansion, would you do that again?”
She smirked. “That costs extra.”
“I will pay.”
Hari held up her hands. “I am kidding. You can get portable ones. Look for an exercise pole. This sucker is anchored in concrete, and when I get a good head of steam, I can feel it rocking.”
Zerul nodded. “I will take that under advisement. I know that you have excellent muscular development, and now, I know why.”
She wiggled her skirt back into normal lines and smiled. “Well, there are going to be plenty of ladies to stand on the spots tomorrow. There are far more extranatural ladies of higher power levels around here than I thought.”
“We are close to the rift, and energy courses through it, seeking hosts. Babies are excellent receptacles. Extranatural babies are little sponges.”
“So, there is a reason I am an everborn.”
“Correct. Also, the same reason I was born with horns and certain urges.”