Page 59 of Shattered Magic
“My sex drive can be extreme. I needed to seek out a partner who could be a partner and not a victim.”
Hari cocked her head. “It wasn’t extreme.”
“We were together for three hours. It was fairly rough for someone with standard biology.” He smiled.
“Really? It didn’t feel like any time at all.” She looked into his eyes.
“I will endeavour to exhaust you at the first opportunity, but I believe some of my guests are coming this evening, so dinner will be the priority.”
“Oh, well, have fun.”
He smiled and held out his hand to her. She slipped her fingers along his, and he bent over her knuckles to kiss her hand. “You are going to be acting as the lady of the manor.”
“Of course. I am the elected governor, and you are my lady.” He stood straight and smiled at her.
“So, what are the pointy teeth for, aside from holding me in place while you fuck me?”
“A little of this and a little of that.” He smiled. “I can only guess at their intent, but they did put me in charge of the vampires.”
“Your teeth did?”
“Of course. They won’t submit if you can’t bite.”
She blinked. “Right. Well, the frying pan helped considerably.”
“I am glad you found a use for it. You were never injured?”
“No. They didn’t come near me.”
“Have you had to argue with them before?”
He shrugged and pulled her into a hug. “A few times, but apparently, that was enough. I haven’t had to fight in the last ten years. Prolen doesn’t even catch any flack for that. While I have separated myself from daily activities, everything has gone smoothly.”
Zerul pressed his lips to her neck and started to lick lightly at her skin. “You got sweaty.”
She shivered and tried to back away in embarrassment. “Yeah. I did.”
“Would you be willing to come back to the residence with me so I could find out where you gather your scent?”
“Wait. What?”
He leaned in and whispered in her ear. She blushed and looked at him. “So, this is a frequent thing?”
“And I thought your guests were coming tomorrow.”
“They sent notices that they were arriving a day early to enjoy the city. There are also a few vampires that have requested healing from Regick’s mate. So, she has agreed, as they will be in town anyway.”
“She can heal vampires?”
“Yes, it is a particular skill of hers.”
“What about Matthias and his assistant?”