Page 32 of Wrapped in Hope
“Tellme about the shop and how it’s going,” I ask over breakfast. I just want a normal conversation. I don’t want to talk about the depressing things today. I want to focus on the good and the friendship I’m growing way too attached to.
He takes a sip of his coffee before leaning back in the booth. “It’s going great, better than ever. I’ve recently had to hire a couple of new employees because we’re staying so busy. I’m really needing to hire a manager though. Someone to handle the phone calls, the paperwork, keep the boys in line and on task.” He laughs. It’s the first time I’ve heard his laugh in years. The deep, sexy sound cuts right through me. I find myself squeezing my thighs together.
“That’s great. I’ve been thinking about getting a motorcycle,” I tease him. “You know, one of those racing bikes that you basically lay on.” I know his thoughts on these types of bikes, so I can’t help but to throw little jabs at him.
He scoffs. “That’s not a bike. You want to ride, you just let me know and I’ll give you a ride on a real bike.” His eyes darken with his words.
“Really?” I feel my lips turn up at the corners
“Absolutely. We can take off for a day and feel the wind in our hair.”
I poke at my pancakes, wondering if he knows what he’s promising me. “When?”
He shrugs. “Whenever you want. I have to work all week so maybe next weekend?”
“It’s a date,” I respond with my heart hammering away. I watch him nervously, waiting to see if he catches it.
Something flashes in his eyes even though he’s so still he looks like stone. Seeing his heated glare, I have to swallow down the urge to reach out and touch him.
The tension is growing thick between us, I can feel it settle over me like a weighted blanket. It’s soothing and relaxing, yet charged with a yearning that I think we both feel.
He clears his throat as he tears his gaze away from mine. “Are you ready?”
I nod, completely breathless.
He stands and walks off to pay the bill, but I linger a little longer in my seat, hoping to calm my racing heart.
* * *
A couple of hours later,we’re on the trail. Neither of us talk much as we hike and take in our surroundings.
The wind blows gently, cooling my skin that’s quickly becoming overheated between my physical activity and Holden being so close. Every time I catch him looking at me I just want to press myself against him and tell him to take me, I dream about it actually. Even though, deep down, I know it will never happen. I know he’s attracted to me by the way he was looking at me at breakfast, but I also know he would never allow it.
As the day goes on and the sun gets higher in the sky, the heat rises. We’re both breathless and sweating our asses off. He’s done tore off his shirt and tied it to the belt loop on his shorts. Having to see his muscular back as I trek along behind him has me even hotter. After about an hour of constant hiking, we sit down for a breather.
My chest is rising and falling from my heavy breathing as I lay back on a large rock to cool off. I rest the back of my arm on my forehead as I close my eyes, trying to calm my pounding heart. I take slow, deep breaths. When I open my eyes, I find Holden watching me intently. He’s not moving or blinking, hell he might not be breathing. He’s completely still while every muscle is flexed.
I know I have his attention and I like it. I sit up and slowly pull off my jacket to ball up behind my head, leaving me in just shorts and a sports bra. When I’m comfortable with my makeshift pillow, I look back at him.
“What are you doing, Hope?” he asks, cutting through the silence.
“Trying to cool off. What’s it look like?” I let my eyes flutter closed. I’m embarrassed. He’s caught me.
“It looks like you’re trying to tease me, but that’s not what you’re doing, right?” I hear him stand and the rustle of grass and leaves as he walks closer. When I open my eyes, he’s standing directly above me.
I’m speechless. I don’t know what to say. Do I tell him about these confusing feelings I’m having toward him? Do I play it off like I have no idea what he’s talking about? Or should I just make a move and let it speak for itself and see what happens?
He’s standing so close I could easily touch him, and I want to. Without thinking, I reach up, letting my fingers skim over his defined six-pack. He takes a sharp breath and grinds his teeth together while closing his eyes, as if my touch pains him.
It worries me that I may be crossing a line here. Would he look like this if he wanted my touch? I’m about to pull away from him when a growl resonates from deep in his chest. Quicker than I thought possible, he’s pulling me up against him. Our eyes are locked on one another’s and my breathing is quick from excitement and fear.
His right hand lands softly on my jaw, holding me close. “I can’t control myself when you touch me.”
My lips part, wanting to say something, but I don’t know what. I want to beg him to take me, to give me a piece of him, to never let me go until these emotions I’m feeling disappear, but I can’t form words.
He sees the questions in my eyes. “What is it, Hope? What do you want?”
“I…I don’t know,” I whisper.
His hot breath blows across my dry lips, making me wet them. His eyes flash down to my lips and then back up like he wants to kiss me. I want him to kiss me, but I can’t ask for it. I can’t say it because it’s wrong, and admitting it out loud would make it real. Right now, it’s just an idea, a possibility.
He moves in only a few centimeters and my eyes close. My heart beats even faster with the thought of feeling his lips on mine, but he pauses. “Do you want this, Hope?”
I slowly nod my head, afraid of opening my eyes or using my voice. “Tell me. Tell me what you want.”
I take a deep breath, letting the tingles wrack my body like a strong wave. “Kiss me.”
I expect him to move in, but he doesn’t. I open my eyes to see him fighting with himself. He swallows hard. “I can’t. I’m sorry.” He shakes his head and releases me.