Page 53 of Wrapped in Hope
Chapter 20
Jane and Lisawork on setting up the patio table for our cookout, and Gary stays by my side at the grill. He talks about work, asks about my shop, and just tries carrying on a conversation, but I can’t pay attention to anything but Hope who is sitting at the table only a few feet from me.
She keeps her eyes on her phone, trying to ignore me, but every once in a while, she will look up and our eyes meet. Every single damn time, it makes my heart stop. I get that same feeling in my chest I got the night Jane tried taking her life, a calling from deep inside of me. The calling that led me to her.
Before I know it, dinner is done and everyone is sitting down to eat. I place the tray of grilled food on the table and look around. “Where’s Hope?”
“She went in to use the bathroom a bit ago,” Jane replies.
“I’ll go tell her the food is done.” I take a deep breath before opening the sliding glass door and walking into the house. I walk through the living room and down the hallway. The bathroom door is shut but the door across from it is cracked: Dean’s room.
I push the door open and stick my head inside. She’s standing in front of the dresser, looking at the framed photos.
“Dinner’s done,” I say, making her jump.
She spins around, causing her dress to flow around her with the action. “Okay, I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to snoop. I just wanted to see it one last time before I didn’t have the chance to anymore.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for, Hope.” I walk up next to her and look at the pictures. “If there’s anything you want, you should take it before I start packing it up.”
“Where are you moving to?” she asks, her voice shaking a bit.
“Jane is moving to Texas to be with her family, but I have an apartment across town.”
She quickly turns to look at me. “You mean, you guys didn’t get back together?”
My heart sinks to my stomach. This whole time she’s been thinking that I’ve stayed away from her because I was back with Jane?
“No, we filed for divorce.” I look at her dark eyes and watch as they light up.
She rakes her hands through her hair. “Then why haven’t I heard from you over the past month? Did you get the only thing you were after and thought it was time to move on?”
“God no, Hope. I don’t want to ruin your life! I’m no good for you, I’ve already told you.” It fucking kills me that she thinks I used her for sex, but I guess I didn’t do much to make her believe otherwise.
She steps directly in front of me causing our chests to damn near touch. “I told you, I don’t care. I know what I want. I know what I feel for you. I’m tired of trying to pretend that what we have isn’t real.” Her hands reach for me, but I step back.
“We can’t do this. It’s wrong.” I hold up my hands in an attempt to stop her from touching me. If she touches me, I can’t control myself. “You’re too young for me. You deserve someone who can give you everything you deserve, not take more from you.”
She pulls her eyes away from mine as she looks at her feet. “If you can just walk away from what we have, I don’t mean as much to you as you want me to believe.” She begins to walk away from me, but I can’t let her. I can’t let her think she means nothing to me because she means everything. If there is one thing in this world I want, it’s her.
I reach out and grab hold of her arm, pulling her back to me as my lips find hers. The second they touch, I feel alive again. My heart pounds loudly in my ears, my blood rushes my body making me feel lightheaded, and every hair stands on end.
I push her against the wall as she wraps her legs around my hips. My hands tangle into her dark hair, slightly pulling as I give her every last drop of love I have for her through this kiss. Her hands roam my body hungrily, teasing every part of me, mind, body, and soul. A piece of me longs for her, it controls me completely. I’m hungry for nothing but her.
My hands start pushing her dress up her hips while she begins freeing me from my pants, never breaking the kiss or the connection between us. I push her panties to the side before thrusting deep inside her. She’s so fucking tight and hot around me I could lose myself in her right now. It makes me realize that I don’t have a choice with her. I belong to her as much as she belongs to me. She owns me.
I move quickly in and out of her as her nails dig into my back. When I break the kiss, her eyes lock on mine. We’re sharing everything we have while I bury myself deep inside of her pussy that feels like it was made just for me.
Her eyes flutter closed as her breathing picks up and soft whimpers fall from her lips. I feel her tightening around me and I know she’s about to fall. My mouth covers hers to quiet her moans of pleasure just as my climax violently washes over me like a powerful wave. We’re both breathing heavy and quietly calling out with our release.
I slow to a stop inside her. “You’re everything to me, Hope. I can’t fucking control myself when I’m with you. I just fucking wish you’d listen.” I place my hands on either side of her face and tilt her head back until our eyes are locked. “This is going to be really hard on the both of us.”
“Am I worth it?” she asks with fearless eyes.
I let out a small laugh. “You’re worth so much more.” I kiss her forehead as I pull out of her and place her on her feet.
We both right our clothing and take a minute to even our breathing. As I’m heading for the door, she stops me. “Holden?”
I turn around to face her. “Yeah?”