Page 91 of Huntress Unleashed
“Hell,” Dane said. “And thanks, Reese, for helping us out.”
“If I’d been a hunter and was setup like that, and some hunter was behind it, I would want to know the truth too. And do something about it. Take it easy,” Reese said, and then he and his girlfriend left.
“Green, good luck out there,” Dane said, sounding like he was truly hoping he was going to be okay.
Green headed for a car and wished them well.
“Well, we learned a few things,” Jacqueline said. “Number one, I was thinking maybe our vampiric abilities weren’t working, but it appears they still are. He just didn’t know anything. Number two, I never thought of a vampire blanking out his mind.”
“I’m glad our abilities were working. I was afraid maybe we needed to use them more to get better at it. So it’s good to know they’re adequate like when we used them before with the housebreakers. I’m like you. I never thought a vampire would wipe his mind, and why would she? Unless she had made a deal with a hunter who set this all up.”
“Right. And number three, it looks like going to the vampire club was fine with the vampires, as long as we’re not hunting rogue vampires in there. And we even seem to have made a couple of vampire friends,” Jacqueline said. “We just have to convince the bouncer we can be there.”
“He might have thought we were there to find rogue vampires. So the next thing we need to do is talk to Moose. It’s too bad we can’t use vampiric persuasion to get him to tell us the truth. I doubt he’ll talk, but we need to at least try it. He’ll know if he lets the truth slip, if he was involved, he will be on a hunter’s target list.”
“Should we go now to see him?”
“Yes, when he’s least expecting it.”
“I’m with you on it.” Though she was thinking they were overdressed for the job. “I guess you don’t want to change clothes.”
He chuckled. “No. I think if we’re dressed like this, he won’t feel we’re as much of a threat.”
“Do you have swords in the car, or something else we can arm ourselves with if we need to protect ourselves?”
“A couple of folding swords and daggers. But we won’t be able to hide them in our clothes with the way we’re dressed,” he said.
“Okay, well, we should tell your family that we’re going to speak with him just in case he tries to say we were threatening to kill him over some perceived conflict.”
Dane thought about it for a few minutes before he spoke. “If we do, my brothers will want to be there.”
“That works for me. That way he can’t twist our words. We’ll have witnesses. Maybe I should call my brother and see if he wants to join us too. I would like to see if he will be there for us when we need him.”
“Sure, go ahead. Of course, they might all try to talk us out of it.”
“If they do, we go anyway. We need to know the truth. You know Lucilla wouldn’t have wiped Green’s mind of who you were if something more hadn’t been going on behind the scenes.”
“Right.” Dane called Matt first and told him what had happened with Green and the vampire Reese.
“Damn, brother. You know how to live dangerously, but yeah, I’ll get hold of our brothers and we’ll meet you at Moose’s house.”
“Okay, we’re calling Jacqueline’s brother too, though he might not want to be bothered with helping us. We want to give him the opportunity though.”
“Good. We’ll see you there then.” Matt ended the call.
“I’m so glad your brothers will be witnesses.” Then Jacqueline called up her brother. She told him what had happened, and that Dane’s brothers were coming to be there for them. “Do you want to meet us there?”
“Yeah. Don’t approach him until after we are all there.”
“All right. We’ll see you in a few minutes then.” She felt relief that her brother was willing to help out. “I didn’t know what to expect from him, but I think he has really come around.”
“I think so too. So when we get married, maybe your family will all be there.”
“Yeah, maybe. We haven’t even talked about where to go for a honeymoon.”
“Someplace where we can still get blood,” he said.
She sighed. “Yeah. We don’t know about other locations. I mean, probably it’s all set up in the States. But around the world? Not sure.”