Page 92 of Huntress Unleashed
They finally arrived at Moose’s house and waited for their brothers to arrive. She sure hoped this worked. Once everyone arrived at the stucco, one-story, ranch-style house that Moose owned, a blue Corvette in the driveway, Dane said, “That’s Wendy’s car.”
“Oh. Do you still want to question him?”
“Yeah, I do.” He got out of the truck and Jacqueline joined him.
The brothers got out of their vehicles and walked up to them. Matt asked, “Are you ready?”
“Yeah. Let’s do this,” Dane said.
Then they all went together. Dane was holding Jacqueline’s hand. He knocked at the door.
No one answered, then Matt got a notification on his phone, and he texted someone. “A rogue vampire was just eliminated. I asked who the hunter was, and the police said it was Moose.”
“What about Wendy?” Dane asked.
“She’s not listed on the paperwork.”
“Unless Moose is going out celebrating or he’s on another hunt,” Dane said.
“Then we hold tight,” Matt said.
Everyone agreed to sit around and wait, wanting to get this resolved if they could.
“I wonder where Wendy is,” Jacqueline said. “Her car is here, but she didn’t get credit for the vampire Moose eliminated.”
“Maybe she was there but he killed the vampire and took the money, not giving her any of it,” Dane said. “I wouldn’t be surprised.”
Jacqueline’s brother wanted to know what happened when Dane and his sister went to the vampire club, and she said, “We danced, had drinks.” But he was shocked when he heard that Dane and Jacqueline had actually danced with other vampires.
“What could they do? Bite us?” Dane asked.
Robert shook his head. “I’m just glad you weren’t in trouble.”
“We actually were more accepted there than at the hunters’ club, though it might not always be the case, depending on who is at the club, just like we might have better luck the next time we’re at the hunters’ club,” Jacqueline said. “The bouncer did make us leave though.”
“I can’t believe Lucilla wiped out Green’s mind of the whole incident,” Matt said.
“It sounds like there was collusion between the hunter and the rogue vampire,” Robert said. “But what would be the motivation? The hunter has to know if you ever figured it out, he could be outed and put on a termination list.”
“That he was able to date Wendy? That’s all I can figure,” Dane said. “Her parents are really wealthy, and they give her anything she wants. She’s an only child and when they’re gone, she’ll inherit all their wealth. That’s not why I was marrying her, but Moose is the kind of person who would. I had my own money, so her parents knew I wasn’t marrying her for her money.” Then Dane said, “There’s Moose’s car.”
Moose pulled up into his driveway, looking a little surprised to see Dane and his brothers, and Jacqueline and hers. Wendy was also riding in the car with him.
He didn’t smile and Wendy was frowning. He pulled the vehicle into the garage and then the two left the car and walked out of the garage.
“Hey, what’s up?” he asked Matt, since he was Dane’s older brother.
“Lucilla told me a hunter set me up so she could take me down. But instead of her killing me like the hunter hoped, she turned me,” Dane said.
“Yeah?” Moose said. “What has that got to do with me?”
“You use Green as an informant like me. One good thing about being a vampire is I can question a human and get the truth out of them.”
Moose’s eyes widened. Wendy stared at Moose, her jaw dropped.
“Yeah, so all we need to know is why you would work with a rogue vampire and an informant you and I both use to have me ambushed,” Dane said.