Page 35 of Glad You're Here
“You killed it on that hike today, Thea.” I grinned at her as we headed back to the lodge at Zion. The narrows hike we wanted to do had been closed due to high water levels, so we’d done the Emerald Pools instead.
Thea laughed and gave me a gentle shove. “You mean my ass killed it? I wore these pants for your enjoyment, dude.”
I draped my arm over her shoulder. “You are so sweet.” Her ass did look incredible in her tight black yoga pants, but I’d only been able to fully enjoy it for about thirty seconds before guilt stamped out my arousal. “So, should we do another hike after lunch or hang out at the lodge this afternoon?”
Thea bit her lip with a mischievous glint in her eye. “Let’s hang out.” She slid out from under my arm and walked ahead of me toward our hotel room doors. “I’m going to take a quick shower. Meet me in the restaurant in thirty? Unless you want to join me.”
I coughed in surprise and rubbed the back of my neck while she arched a brow and waited for my response. “Are you serious?” I choked.
Our eyes met in a heated glance. The air felt electric. I couldn’t stop staring at her lips. Eyes. Lips. Eyes. Lips. I think I audibly gulped, and then, like the snap of a rubber band, the moment ended. A sheet of ice dropped over Thea’s expression, and she laughed. “No, perv. Shower in your own room.” She turned and hurried down the walkway until she reached her room a few doors down. She tapped her keycard and disappeared behind the heavy, brown door without another look at me.
I rubbed my jaw, confused out of my damn mind. Did Thea want me? Did she not? Everything with Gina had been so boring and obvious. Our parents set up our first date when we were sixteen. We didn’t become a couple until I returned from my mission because I wasn’t allowed to have a girlfriend before then. But it was easy. This head-spinning, heart-pounding feeling never happened with Gina.
“Thea, you’re killing me,” I mumbled to the empty walkway before heading into my room to shower alone.
When I arrived at 2 p.m., the lodge restaurant was nearly empty. A quick glance told me Thea hadn’t made it down yet. The hostess sat me at a corner table beside the floor-to-ceiling windows and the massive stone fireplace. I ordered a coffee while I waited.
My heart pounded as I contemplated what could have happened if I’d jumped at Thea’s invitation. It seemed like she meant it. I was being an idiot. I took a deep breath and caught sight of my reflection in the window. With my tanned skin and thick stubble that almost reached beard territory, I hardly recognized myself. Or maybe I finally did recognize myself. I straightened my shoulders and tried to convince myself that I could be the kind of guy who interested Thea.
2:10. Still no Thea.
I gazed at the dark wood beams on the vaulted ceiling and counted them to calm my nerves. There were twenty-four.
2:15. No gorgeous woman with purple hair headed my way.
2:20. Should I text her?
2:23. Holy shit.
I swear the air changed when she entered, and literally every cell in my body buzzed to life. Several heads turned to take her in. I wanted to claim her in front of everyone — put my arm around her, take her hand in mine, press my lips to hers, and let them all know she was mine.
But I sat, frozen, probably with my mouth slightly open, as she smiled at me and headed toward our table.
She wore a floor-length, black knit dress that hugged her in all the right places, and when she started walking, the high slit gave me a mouthwatering view of her left thigh and a hint of a tattoo. Her hair fell in wild waves around her bare shoulders. She was in full goddess mode—wild hair, black dress, black combat boots, and fiery eyes.
My dick strained against the very boring khaki cargo shorts I threw on after my shower. I should have dressed up.
“Hey, sorry I’m late.” Thea smiled and took the empty seat beside me instead of the one across from me. She crossed her legs under the table, letting the bare one rest on top and brush against my knee. Good shivers scattered up and down my spine. “I had to take care of something in the shower myself since you didn’t join me.” She bit her lip and gave me a sensual look.
I had a full boner now, in public.
Luckily, guilt swooped in and took care of that for me before Thea could glance at my lap and notice.
When I took too long to speak, Thea sighed and picked up the menu. “I’m kidding. So, does anything look good here? What are you going to order?” She stared at the menu. I stared at her bare leg beside me.
She had a skull tattoo on her upper thigh, and roses bloomed out of the eyes and mouth. Thea’s gaze flitted over to me, and she caught me staring. She raised a single eyebrow and smirked.
“You look nice, and your tattoo is awesome,” I finally blurted.
Thea burst out laughing. “Hi. Welcome to the conversation.”
I grinned at her and shook my head. “Shut up.”
“So you like the tattoo? I thought you might.” Thea traced the outline of the skull with her pointer finger. “From death blooms beauty.” She shrugged. “It was Lenny’s idea. I argued with her like a pain in the ass. I wanted to get a spider web with a sick-looking black widow in the center, but I couldn’t get her words out of my head, and when my appointment came, I went with the skull and roses.”
Now, she traced the petals of a rose with her finger. I wanted to do it with her. I wanted to feel her skin. Instead, I tore my eyes away from her tattoo and forced an even smile. “Your aunt sounds awesome, and she was exactly right. From death blooms beauty.” I stared right into Thea’s gorgeous green eyes.