Page 36 of Lord of Ruin
My mother remained hardheaded as they came, ruling the household her entire life when I was growing up. Not that my father would admit it. However, they were perfect together. I shouldn’t care. This wasn’t a forever moment, just a blip in time. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy myself immensely.
After whooshing the switch through the air and nodding with satisfaction, I returned the knife to my pocket and headed back to the tree. Where I noticed immediately that in the short time I’d been gone, she’d managed to chafe her wrists in an attempt to free herself. Why did I have a feeling she’d walk over hot coals if that meant securing her escape?
“You’ve hurt yourself,” I told her and raked the slender reed down her naked back. I’d never been so attracted to a woman. The fact she’d blushed after undressing had been endearing, completely different than what I’d experienced in the past. While there was nothing wrong with a woman bettering herself through diet and exercise, maybe a little breast augmentation if so desired, I preferred an au naturel woman and one that wasn’t skin and bones either.
Jenna was perfect in every way, her curves calling to a man, her breasts the perfect size to fit into my hands. And I couldn’t wait to explore every inch of her lush body when I could take the time doing so.
“Not nearly as much as what you’re going to do to me,” she said as she twisted her head over her shoulder as much as humanly possible, glaring down at what I had in my hand.
I planted my palm against the tree, lowering my head. She continued to struggle in her bindings even though she stretched her neck awkwardly to try to yank away from me. “I assure you that if I wanted to hurt you, it wouldn’t be with a twig I carved from a tree. I am a dangerous man, Jenna. It’s what I do. It’s what I’m required to do because of the life I was born into.”
“It’s what you choose to do.”
Her nasty comments were more about fear than anything else. I tried to remember that even if my patience was waning quickly. “Everything you see in front of you isn’t always what it is. While you can try and convince yourself I’m nothing but a horrible man, and that is certainly understandable given the circumstances, I will remind you one more time that I saved your life twice. Why would I have bothered if I wanted you hurt or worse?”
Finally, she had no quirky comeback for a truthful statement.
“Good girl. Twenty before pleasure. One day you’ll learn to trust me.”
She opened her mouth for undoubtedly another nasty retort but obviously thought better of it.
I twirled the switch a few times to increase her already heightened level of anticipation. I’d learned how to discipline women a long time ago. I’d been a part of BDSM early in my adulthood when I was foolish and carefree, but the time spent had put me on notice that I had to be careful with command. That was the single moment of my life that continued to haunt me, keeping me from entering another club, and I was a member of a couple.
It was a family perk, or so I’d been told.
A birch cane or even a natural switch could do damage to such beautiful skin, so I’d need to be careful. Especially since I had latent tendencies of craving the darkness of violence.
I tapped it against her sit spot before taking a deep breath and delivering the first stroke. The whooshing sound alone was enough to make her jump, her pussy glistening, her entire body quivering.
“While there are no fences surrounding the rear of my property, there are sensors in various locations. You need to know that. They will send a signal inside the house to my massive communications and security system, which is monitored at all times.” I issued three more and her slight whimper was bitten back. She didn’t want to indicate I’d caused her any discomfort.
She was a very strong-willed woman, rivaling my mother if I had to admit the truth.
“Fine. I get it. I was surprised your soldiers didn’t hunt me like a dog.” She was already rattled, her voice quavering.
I cracked one lash across the tops of her thighs and her entire body stiffened as she bent one leg at the knee, stomping her foot against the ground several times. The action made me grin, the moment picturesque.
I wasn’t just a sick man; maybe I was as repulsive as she’d tossed at me time and time again.
“Hunts are my territory. I do love them so.” I wasn’t a hunter, even if I’d chased a few enemies over the years, their wayward attempts at getting away from me nothing more than a useless game. I brought the switch down a couple more times, allowing her to get used to the stinging sensations.
“You are nothing but a Neanderthal criminal,” Jenna gasped, shifting her hips from side to side. Her skin was already blossoming into a lovely shade of pink. Come to think of it, the color matched her lacy lingerie and scrubs. I would need to provide her with extra clothes. I hungered to see her in dresses and heels, jeans and cutesy little sweaters.
Jesus. I had two enemies wishing me dead and I was thinking about women’s fashion? Maybe I’d been working too hard.
“Actually, that’s not entirely true. My family does pride ourselves in being cultured as well as continuing to go more and more legitimate with our businesses.”
“You are joking, aren’t you?”
I raked the switch down one leg then up the other, using my knee to move her legs as far apart as possible. She threw a look over her shoulder that could have burned me into the ground. That only tightened my testicles to the point of sheer agony. I would need to fuck her soon or I’d face blue balls for hours. That wasn’t going to happen.
When I tapped the reed against her pussy, lo and behold, I seemed to find a pleasure point. She arched her back, jutting out her hips. I was pleasantly shocked, my mouth and throat going dry. When I repeated the move, she moaned in response. Shit. Whether she cared to admit it or not, she craved a dominating man and pain to increase pleasure.
My muscles were tense, so much so I almost tossed the switch, the need to taste her becoming too strong to resist. However, a lesson was needed. I cracked her pussy twice more with the reed before returning to the regular spanking, issuing one right after another.
The scent of her desire was stronger than ever, adding to my intoxication. She already had a fragrance of strawberries and cream, likely from the shampoo she’d used just that morning.
Before her life had fallen apart, she would tell me.