Page 37 of Lord of Ruin
She bucked against the tree, flexing and fisting her hands, still twisting them to the point I had a feeling her wrists would be bruised in the morning. I’d lost count of how many strikes I’d given her, which wasn’t like me. I finally regrouped, making a guess.
“Five more,” I told her, no longer recognizing my voice, it was so low. I was far too eager to take what I wanted. Maybe I was turning into some kind of primal man. And after all the education my parents had insisted I have, wouldn’t they be proud?
I delivered one, making it slightly harder than those I’d issued before.
“Four,” I said, wondering why I was doing the counting. “You finish with the last but add thank you for the discipline each time.”
“Are you really that fucking out of your mind?”
“It just increased to five more because of your insolence. Would you like to go for ten, double or nothing?”
Goddamn it. The way she dragged just the tip of her tongue across her bottom lip could drive me to committing all kinds of depraved sins.
“No. No!” I was surprised at her vehemence, thankful for her acceptance. I’d grown weary from fighting with her.
“Good girl.” Not that the words meant anything to her. But they made my cock twitch even more.
I cracked one down, keeping the switch in the air after doing so. She wiggled and moaned, finally croaking out her requirement.
“One and thank you oh-so much for hurting me.”
“A little more respect, please.” I made certain she felt the next one.
Her hiss forced me to bite back another smile. “Two and thank you for punishing me. Sir.”
“Much better.” I issued three and four, barely allowing her time to get the words out. She was now bucking so hard against the tree I could hear the rope straining.
“God. That. Fucking. Hurts.”
“I’m glad it does as that’s what punishments are meant to do, Jenna. There are reasons rules exist in this world, consequences for everyone who doesn’t follow them.”
“Even you?”
“Yes, even me. You might be surprised.” Who hadn’t been disciplined in some egregious way for a deed committed? I wasn’t some lucky man who’d avoided being branded by the devil. But I was cautious in provoking too many demons. A smart man only had to learn once. “One more.” This time the whooshing sound brought a series of vibrations jetting down the length of my arm from the continued tension.
“Five and… And. Thank you for… punishing me. Sir.”
I lowered my head, beads of sweat dripping from my forehead to the ground. Life was supposed to be easier than this. My entire family had enjoyed peaceful interactions with our community, our employees, and even other business owners for the past few years. Phoenix had believed it was because of his alliance with the Brotherhood. Maybe the savage beast consisting of our enemies had been lying in wait until we’d gotten far too comfortable in our own skin.
Whatever the case, I had a gut feeling things were about to get heated and dicey.
And dangerous.
I tossed the switch, almost hating myself for what I’d done. When I dropped to my knees behind her, she seemed more shocked than when I’d tied her to the tree. I gently pulled her legs apart for a second time, basking in the glisten of her sweet pussy. She was as aroused as I was if not more so.
Her breathing remained ragged, her entire body shaking. I was aware she was peering down at me, trying to figure out what I was doing. When I used both hands to pull her pussy lips apart, my mouth watering, she issued another strangled moan.
God help me, I wasn’t going to be able to keep my hands off her. Not now and I doubted any time after this. I blew across her slickened folds, her scent rushing into my nostrils. Her moans became husky whimpers as I darted my tongue around her clit, taking my time to fully enjoy the moment.
She jerked, straining against the rope once again, even rising to her toes all by herself. There was something spectacular about the way her inner thighs were coated with her juice, another draw that I couldn’t ignore or avoid. I swirled my tongue around her clit several times, taking a couple of deep breaths before pulling the tender tissue completely into my mouth.
I was certain I’d died and gone to heaven, the taste was that sweet. There was no doubt I could feast for hours, savoring every drop as she climaxed hard and often. But we were in the middle of the woods. Whether my property or not, I wasn’t a fan of being out in the open.
It wasn’t about making the first time quick and easy, but I’d settle for hard and fast. I chuckled, my breath blowing against her slickened skin. I continued my feast, sucking on her nub until I was certain it was tender and sensitive.
As I dragged my tongue all the way down the length of her pussy, I sensed she would have collapsed had the rope not been holding her against the tree. I was like a thirsty man who’d barely survived time in the desert, licking and thrusting my tongue deep into her tight channel as if I couldn’t get enough to quench my thirst.