Page 39 of Save Us
While I try to come to terms with what I did last night, silently judging myself for leading him on like I did, I stare back at the bland, formal, shift dress with what must be a sneer across my face. I guess my small freedom of being able to wear attire that is more comfortable and befitting of my age, is over, and I’m to return to wearing what Mayfield men consider more appropriate for the wife of the president.
Fighting the temptation to completely ignore the dress and to instead, waltz down in my jeans and a t-shirt, I reluctantly slip it on and take a glance inside of the mirror. Expecting the usual high necked, below-the-knee outfit that has me looking much older than I am, I’m shocked to find it’s not only a v-neck cut, but it’s a very low v-neck cut. In fact, if I so much as sneeze, I’m pretty sure I’ll be in danger of exposing a nipple, if not the entire breast!
Slipping on the high heels that make me feel even less comfortable, I walk into the corridor to find Leo waiting in his usual spot. I mutter morning to him, to which he teases me about it barely being morning anymore, just before he takes in my revealing dress and practically chokes. I screw up my face with dread, remembering that the likes of creepy Chad Marsdon are going to be arriving any minute now. Why the hell would Carl choose to dress me in something that makes me look like a complete playboy-bunny wannabe?
By the time we reach downstairs, the serving staff is rushing around, desperately trying to set up the terrace outside, all with panic-stricken expressions on their faces. We follow them out to find Elsie helping with her usual smile and words of encouragement for each and every member of staff. She always uses their first names and gives the odd hug when their stress begins to get the better of them. She really is much too good for Carl. She deserves to be with someone who can see how special she is.
The table looks like something out of a wedding magazine. When I do a rough count, I can see there are about twenty place settings, all with sparkling silverware and a multitude of knives and forks. Unfortunately, because of my life being what it is, I can tell you what each set is for, having been educated in such things by Pru, instead of going to university like the rest of my peers. As I ponder on that depressing thought, Elsie comes over to greet me, smiling warmly until I turn to face her properly, revealing my nearly naked chest, which is now heaving beneath the fabric. We look at one another, with neither of us being able to hide our true feelings about the outfit I’m wearing.
“Tell me honestly, Elsie, how many creepy men are here today?” I ask, knowing whatever answer she gives isn’t going to put me at ease.
“Nine, including your grandfather,” she replies, wincing at the same time as I groan out loud.
As if being summoned by demonic powers, Carl appears out of nowhere. He’s being closely followed by his special guests who all seem to be laughing and joking with one another like they’re kings of the world. Elsie immediately puts on her public facade, eyeing me with just a hint of sympathy before I finally have to turn around to face them. As soon as their gaze falls on me and my bountiful chest, their chatter immediately ceases, causing a silence like a comical tumbleweed blowing through the space between us. Leo suddenly clears his throat before stepping up closer, as if giving a subtle warning to keep their hands away from me. It’s enough of an action to make Carl regain his composure, then march up to formally kiss me on the cheek.
“Angela, my darling,” he says, beaming over my presence before his guests. He then pulls me up to them, as if showing me off like a new toy.
As he gestures toward them, most of the other men pick up their mouths and continue to act normal while accepting a drink from the elaborate tray being passed around. Chad Marsdon, however, keeps up his perusal of my body with obvious lust and a smug smirk on his face. Conversely, his sister, Felicity, offers nothing but a sneer. However, once she notices her brother’s none-too-subtle interest, she instantly smiles, as though she’s just been presented with a perfect opportunity. What that opportunity is, I have no idea. But whatever it is, it won’t be anything pleasant for me.
The guests begin to take their places and I feel Leo tapping on my elbow, encouraging me to sit down and to stick close to him. Once sat, I spy my napkin and have to seriously resist the urge to place it down the front of my dress so I can cover up my bulging breasts. Worryingly, they don’t feel like they want to remain inside of this ridiculous outfit. The thought of revealing myself before all these dangerous men has me flustering with the napkin and drawing attention to myself. It’s not surprising that when I look up again, Chad is sitting directly opposite me with a lascivious smirk on his face. Not only that, but the chair that is next to me has been taken by none other than his sister.
“To my guests!” Carl toasts, hovering his glass around in the air. The rest of the table stand and raise their glasses back to him, all looking very respectful toward their host and former president. Once sat down again, the table soon descends into chatter. I secretly long to be sitting next to Elsie who is at the other end of the table between two men. They look comically huge compared to her tiny frame.
“How are you faring, Angela?” Chad asks with a glint in his eye, telling me he knows why I’m here and who was responsible for my recent visit to Intensive Care.
“I am well, and you, Mr Marsdon?” I reply with a tight smile in the hopes he’ll drop the subject. A futile attempt, but one I’ll try because I have nothing else.
“Please, call me Chad, won’t you, Angela?” His wide smile is enough to make bile begin to ascend from my stomach and into my throat.
“I bet you’re missing Oliver terribly?” Felicity purrs from my side, almost making me jump at her sudden interaction, especially when she places an icy cold hand on top of my forearm, complete with a fake smile. I can’t help staring at where our skin meets and almost scowl. Fortunately, I’ve had years to practice the ability to effectively cover my emotions, so merely fake smile back at her.
“Yes, well, he shall be back to get me tomorrow,” I eventually reply, “so not long to wait.”
I immediately shuck my arm out of her touch in a none-too-subtle a manner, prompting her brother to chuckle with snide amusement over the discourse between me and his sister. All the while this is happening, I side-eye Carl, who is also taking this all in from his end of the table. He doesn’t appear to look too impressed by his younger guests.
“Perhaps we can use this opportunity to get to know one another, Angela,” Chad chimes in with a sickly-sweet smile. “Oliver is far too protective of his precious ornament.”
“Oliver has never liked to share, Chad,” Felicity adds before sipping on more champagne, which she’s clearly had too much of already. “Of course, he isn’t opposed to sharing himself around.”
My mouth hangs open and when I look back over at Carl, I notice he is now sporting a purple tinge to his complexion. In fact, he looks so angry, I’m half expecting him to keel over.
“Manners, Miss Marsdon! You are in my house now!” he growls with an obvious threat in his voice.
To my surprise, Felicity slumps down a little in her chair, as if cowering before the alpha male in this little club she belongs to. I almost emit a smile over it. Carl then turns to me, winking arrogantly before returning to his conversation with the man on his right-hand side. However, Chad’s eyes remain firmly fixed on me, still wearing his smug smile. It’s unnerving, but all I can do is look away and remain silent.
“I trust you are healed now?” Chad asks rather loudly, gaining Carl’s attention once again. “I can’t imagine being involved in such an accident it would land you in hospital. Must have been terrifying!”
“Yes,” I mumble into my glass, forcing down anger, not only for Mayfield’s obvious cover-up but also for this arsehole who is now probing into it. Chad Marsdon more than knows it wouldn’t be worth my life to reveal all in front of these people but is so clearly amused by his ability to stir things, especially with Carl sitting not three chairs away.
“Oliver must have been going out of his mind with worry!” he says just as I feel his foot run up my leg beneath the table. “I mean what husband would be able to bear seeing his wife, the love of his life, in such pain?”
His foot reaches up and into the gap between my knees, prompting me to shoot up to my feet unexpectedly. With such a sudden reaction, the whole table ceases their talking and looks at me like I’ve lost my mind.
“Excuse me, Uncle, everybody,” I manage to say, even though I’m still panting in shock. “I’m afraid I’m not feeling quite myself. I think I may need to retire to my room.”
“Of course, my dear,” Carl smiles warmly like a normal, caring, grandfather would do. “Leo, would you escort Angela back to her room. I do not want anyone to disturb her when she is so unwell and without her husband.”
He then looks threateningly toward Chad before smiling back at me with a nod, seemingly dismissing me to return to my room. I smile at the guests before retreating from the table, clinging onto Leo’s arm while he leads the way back into the house. Once there, I let out a long breath of relief. That lunch was so awful and uncomfortable, I’m almost looking forward to Oliver coming back tomorrow, especially if Chad is staying.