Page 13 of Perfectly Yours
I’ve shown more to strangers before, even if it’s starting to feel weird. Once dressed, I pull my hair back into a ponytail, throw my bag over my back, put my helmet on, and rev up my bike to head home. A good long nap and shower are in my future, most likely in that order, regardless of what Carleen says when I get home. I turn onto my street and park, frowning when one of the Betas who owns a business below our apartment waves me over.
“Heath, not in the mood right now. I just got back from a shift.”
He snickers. “Oh, I can tell. You looking for some extra work, Beta?” Heath has the same puppy energy that Lewis does, the difference is that I find this Beta safe. From anyone else, I would rip their head off for addressing me like that. With Heath, he doesn’t mean any harm. Usually. He thinks he’s being more respectful by using designations. I just think it’s stupid.
In a different life, maybe I would have settled down with Heath. He’s sweet, owns a business, and has no problems that I dance and strip for a living. In fact, I’m pretty sure he’s enjoyed the stories I’ve told him a time or two while promising to beat up anyone who touches me without consent.
It’s a baseless threat. We both know he would never step inside Euphoria. He’s too pure and it does nothing for him the way it does for me. So, we settle for the occasional banter as I pass his door on my way up to mine.
“Not particularly,” I finally say. I have the time and could use the extra cash but my bed is calling out to me. Now that I’m thinking about it, maybe I will take a shower first, stuff myself with that knotty dildo I bought a few days ago so I can think about something other than Macon’s cock.
Goddess, the girth on that man.
Heath raises an eyebrow and I sigh, turning off my bike and following him into the shop below our apartments. It can’t hurt to appease him and if it’s an easy enough job, that means I can help more with rent. Carleen doesn’t need it in the slightest, but goddess, I feel like a failure at times compared to her. Even if this is my second degree and it’s in public health, no less.
“Got a new one that just opened up!” He shouts as he ducks behind the counter. The space is empty and clean, everything tiled in white. I’ve never understood the lack of décor but Heath does well for himself as a hiring agency and he treats everyone well.
“Don’t say it like that, Heath,” I joke. “Sounds like you’re selling me something rather than offering me a potential job.”
“And yet… aha! Here.” He grins as he opens a manila folder, pointing to a job application. “Maid quit this morning. Well. No, she got fired. Was in everyone’s business but I know you. You don’t like attention so this is good for you.” He pats the papers a few extra times as if it’ll make it easier to see. My frown deepens as I read the job description. Easy enough but in Caper County, the richest part of this area. Which means I’m cleaning for rich people, most likely people I’ve stripped for.
That’s not going to be weird.
Heath is still grinning when I look up at him. “Most of the girls want it easy, a pack to take care of all their needs but not you. And definitely not Carleen.” He wiggles his eyebrows and I narrow my gaze at him. Does he have the hots for my sister? Ew. Also, bad news—she’s not looking.
“A pack isn’t going to magically save me, Heath. I’m not ready to buckle down and answer to an Alpha. Fuck that shit.” I start reading over the description again, getting down to the daily pay. $300? Goddamn, that is a pretty penny.
Heath slowly pulls the folder from me. “That’s not how packs work, Ellie. Not all of them, anyway. Do you want to fill the position? It’s temporary and really a trial. The boss is very picky about the rules.”
“It can’t hurt to look into it. Do I even get to know who I’m working for?”
“Not until you sign an NDA. I know you saw Caper County, Ellie. Here. This is the address you’ll meet her at and she’ll vet you. Say, 1 pm?”
My face scrunches up and I glare at Heath, wondering what he’s going on about until I realize that he’s planned for all of this. He’s been waiting for me to get home so he can ask. After all, he gets a cut as a finder’s fee. I’ve picked up an odd job or two from him before and the daily pay in cash means that his cut has to be pretty large.
1 pm barely gives me two hours to shower and sleep. I also still need that good hard knotty fuck to forget Macon. This is yet another bad idea in the string of bad ideas but I nod, holding my hand out for the paperwork. Heath gleefully slaps it into my hands and I head upstairs, focused on crashing into bed. I ignore Carleen telling me to shower first, waving her off as I start stripping, my clothes falling to the floor.
“Seriously?” Carleen yells playfully, stomping after me. “Your shift that good?”
“Sure. And then Heath caught me.” I slip out of my bra, having no shame standing half-naked in front of my sister. She sighs, used to my antics when I’m tired. “Gonna make a few extra bucks and start pulling my weight.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I know. Still want to.” I yawn as I move to the dresser by my closet, fumbling around for one of my big comfy shirts that I sleep in.
"Hey, got any more pads? I’m on my last one and haven’t had time to get to the store.”
My face pales and then I nod, moving around a few items in one of the drawers to hand her an unopened 20ct package. She stares at it and then at me and then back at the package.
“I thought we were on the same cycle, Ellie.”
“We are. I just don’t like that brand much anymore. Take it.” I’m a shit liar when it comes to my sister but she leaves my room without protest while I try to avoid the nagging feeling that something is wrong. My period should have started three days ago. I’m three fucking days late. And three weeks ago, I was servicing the most beautiful cocks in the entire world.
Without a condom.
Fucking birth control, my ass.