Page 41 of Perfectly Yours
I laugh at her craziness, pulling up my camera while she’s still on the line. A few clicks later, I swipe up a couple of apps to send her the photos, staring in horror as the message I’ve sent appears in an entirely different chat.
My heart falls into my stomach as I scramble off the bed, Tati yelling into the phone and asking what happened. Fuck.
This can’t be happening. Instead of sending them to Tati, they’re saying ‘sent’ to Savin Astor. “Tati, I have to go. I just…” I hang up on her, my emotions out of whack as I search for acceptable clothing. Stuffing myself into a pair of leggings and an oversized shirt, I run out of the room, Carleen hopping off the couch to block my mad dash.
“Hey, hey, what is going on?” Carleen catches me by the arms, frantically searching my expression before her gaze drops to my stomach. “Is it the babies? Ellie, talk to me!”
My energy disappears, my body shaking with a mixture of shock and panic, and I crumple to my knees, Carleen following me to the floor. “They weren’t supposed to know yet. I have to go. I need to…”
Carleen isn’t understanding as she reaches for the phone tightly gripped in my hand. Goddess, I’m a mess. She stares at the screen for a few moments. “You sent him your ultrasound? Ellie-”
“I didn’t mean to! His message popped up from a few hours ago and I—Tati… fuck! I need to go and explain. I just…”
“You’re not driving. It’s dark outside and I’m not letting you on that road in this emotional condition. Grab some shoes before they think I’m robbing you of simple human accessories.”
I’m torn between being relieved that they’ll know without me having to explain and terrified that they’ll turn me away when I show up. Carleen helps me to my feet and pulls me into a fierce, long hug. When she lets me go, it’s the words she leaves me with that give me enough strength to find shoes.
“If they truly love you, then it won’t matter in the end.”
Chapter twenty-nine
Macon has me pinned beneath him, the warmth of his body seeping into mine. It’s just at the edge of being uncomfortable and I squirm, trying to get free. He mumbles something incoherent as I struggle to breathe, my body needing a quick dash of cold. Whether that be ice, AC, or a cold shower, I really don’t care at this point.
“Fuck, Macon, please,” I whine, pushing at his chest. This position was comfortable as fuck a few hours ago when I passed out in pain, yelling through one of the worst cramps I’d had in a while. It felt like every muscle in my body pulled tight, holding me captive as I tried to think of anything other than the pain. Nothing worked until Macon draped himself over me, providing a blanket of security from the world.
A mixture of his and Ellie’s scent settled around me and the pain became a dull throb that I could handle. Barely. Unfortunately, now, it’s not comfortable anymore.
I slip from under him and lean over the side of my nest, sighing as a cold blast of air from the vent hits my face. Bile sits at the back of my throat, threatening to bring up the little bit of food I scarfed down before I climbed into my nest. Thankfully, nothing happens as I draw in the cool air, taking several needed gulps. I sag against the cushions, Macon moving to sit beside me, his hand rubbing up and down my back.
“Hey, baby.”
“Don’t apologize. This isn’t anything we haven’t dealt with before. Do you need it to be colder or is this okay?” I twist to look over at him, reading his tired expression. I expect to see annoyance or disappointment on his face. Neither one is there. Just love. And adoration. And concern for my health. “Let me go fiddle with the-”
“It’s fine,” I say, turning fully to curl into his side. “I just needed a moment. It passed. We can go back to sleep.” I don’t want to discuss whatever is going on with me. It definitely has to do with Ellie’s scent and how its added presence helps soothe the pain. A small vibration steals my attention and for a moment, I think that one of Macon’s toys has made it into my nest. I’m not expecting to see my phone light up on the pillow by the nightstand.
I frown and crawl over to it, eyes widening when I stare at the picture that is sitting on my screen. I swallow nervously, unlocking my phone and read the name of the sender several times. Ellie.
Ellie sent me a picture.
A picture of babies.
Of her babies.
I clutch the phone to my chest, trying to figure out what she means by sending me that. Is it for me? Are they mine or Macon’s? Was it a mistake?
“Baby, what is going on?”
I dart from the nest, unsure of where I want to go. Does she need help? Is this a call for help or is she just letting me know? I can’t focus on any one thing as I pad around barefoot, bursting down the hall and into the kitchen only dressed in a pair of boxers. Macon catches up to me easily enough, pressing me against the wall.
“Savin! You’re running really warm.”
Do I show Macon? Am I supposed to? Surely Ellie will explain. I turn the screen and show my Alpha, Macon’s face contorting in a mixture of anger and disbelief. “Who the fuck is sending you an ultra—Ellie?” His expression morphs into confusion. “Is she pregnant? How long have you known?” A whimper tears from my throat as he steps forward, his scent hardening when he asks again. “Savin, have you been keeping this secret from me?”
I want to be pissed at Macon for taking his emotions out on me but I can’t. This man has been through everything with me and I didn’t tell him my suspicions. The worst of it is that Macon used to talk about kids all the time before my health declined. His dream was to have little bodies running around the house, demanding our time and energy. We even spoke with an adoption agency at one point but that didn’t pan out.