Page 4 of Enemies to Wife
"Okay, well it's settled. I will make some inquiries and if you get anything then come and let me know. But in the meantime, you have a contract and the reputation of the company to uphold."
The beep of the call ending sounded before I even had time to respond. I looked at the phone in shock. I guess that was it. The reality of the situation crashing down on me. I was trapped, at least for now. That was, if Jade could find something incriminating enough on Sebastian. But until then I would have to try and pretend to play the dutiful wife.
I took a deep breath as I watched myself in the mirror. I looked shocked, my skin paler than usual and my eyes were wide, the green bright with the tears that seemed to hold at the edge. I nodded to myself again and put my phone in my little bag. I grabbed some tissues and tried to clean up the smudged makeup and reapplied my eyeliner and lipstick. I knew it wasn't perfect, and anyone who looked too closely would be able to tell that I had been crying. But somehow, I doubted anyone would even care about me to notice. I took another breath as I put my lipstick back into my purse and forced a smile on my face. It was now or never.
I turned towards the door and unlocked it. I pulled it open quickly and stepped out before I had chance to change my mind. I crashed straight into a warm body.
"Oh my god," I exclaimed and quickly stepped back away from whoever I had stepped into. "I am so sorry about-" I started but then I saw the man’s face and stopped.
"Alec?" I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Alec McIntyre was one of the people at Regents University that I was actually sad to not see any more. We had become friends after we had been paired as partners in class. Alec had been the one support that I had at the school and had even tried to argue with the school when he heard I had been expelled.
"Lily, what the hell are you doing here?" he replied.
"What am I doing here?" I asked him. "What are you doing here?" I knew Alec was a part of that elite crowd, but he wasn't anything like them. He was friendly and warm and always willing to help people. A lopsided grin appeared on his face, and his blue eyes sparkled with humour. His hair was still the floppy unruly light brown it had been four years ago.
"Lily, I live here," he said. I could feel my eyes widen as he waved an arm around him.
"What, here? Like this is your party?" I asked and Alec snorted a laugh.
"Well, it's my father's party." He looked up as a couple headed pass us. He nodded politely to them as I smiled. "But yeah, when this place isn't masquerading as a sex dungeon then yeah it's where I call home." I lifted an eyebrow.
"Sex dungeon?" I knew that the kink subculture was pretty prevalent in this crowd. I just wasn't aware it was so obvious.
"Yeah," Alec said, his tone indicating that he wasn't exactly happy about it. His eyes narrowed on me. "Which is why I am surprised to see you here." I looked at the floor and pursed my lips.
"Well, that is kind of complicated," I said and looked back up into Alec's concerned eyes.
"Complicated how?"
"I'm here with Sebastian," I whispered. Alec's eyes widened and I could see something flash through them.
"Sebastian Lynch, as in the dick who stalked you?" I nodded quickly.
"Like I said, complicated." I shrugged. We weren't allowed to disclose that we were Agency unless the client did, and I had no clue how to explain it otherwise.
"Lily, what is going on," Alec demanded. "I might not have seen you for a while, but I do know you, and I know that you wouldn't intentionally interact with that bastard." I tried holding it together, but I could already feel the tears forming again. Alec's face softened and he looked around before taking my arm and pulling me back into the bathroom.
"Okay, tell me what the fuck is going on," Alec said as he handed me a tissue. I shook my head and tried to smile.
"It's nothing," I said and even I could tell I wasn’t convincing anyone.
"Bullshit," Alec snapped. "What does he have on you?" I closed my eyes and tried to control my breathing, I didn't want to cry anymore.
"It's fine Alec, honest." I felt the brush of his fingers on my cheek before Alec cupped my chin and lifted my head up to face him. I opened my eyes and looked at him.
"Please Lily, I can tell you are lying. Let me help you." His voice was soft and pleading.
"I'm not sure you can," I said. "I can't tell you, not without…" I trailed off. Even saying that I couldn't tell him was too much information. Alec stepped back and looked down at my hand. His eyes narrowed on something, and he grabbed my hand and lifted it. The sparkle of the diamond on the rings seemed to laugh at me.
"Wedding ring?" he growled. "Oh Lily, please don't say this is an Agency contract." My eyes widened.
"You know about the Agency?" I asked and he snorted again.
"My last two stepmothers were from that place," he growled. "I knew you were registered after my father had tried to get me to use their services." I opened my mouth, unsure of what to actually say. But Alec shook his head. "I wanted to reach out, but after the last time we spoke, I got the impression you wouldn't want to hear from me." I nodded, remembering our last encounter. It was about two months after I had left the university. Alec had offered to try and help but I had still been angry and had lashed out at him, telling him that I was done with that whole group of people.
"How long is the contract?" Alec asked.
"Six months," I whispered. "Not that long, right?" I didn't know if I was trying to convince him or myself.