Page 5 of Enemies to Wife
"Six months?" Alec looked horrified. "Lily, that man is dangerous. He is so much worse than he was at Regents." I caught on to his words. Could I get what I needed from Alec.
"Dangerous?" I asked, "How?"
"He's the guy people go to if they need things fixing," Alec said and then laughed. "It's not just the irony that his company is called Lynch Pin. It seems it’s a blood born heritage for him." Alec looked down at the ring and then back up at me.
"End the contract, it's too dangerous for you to be involved with him, even like this," he said, and I shook my head.
"I can't," I said, and I briefly explained the hell that I had lived over the last couple of years, and how I was starting to think that Sebastian had been more involved than I had thought. Alec nodded, his face grim.
"I hate to say it, but I think you might be right," he said. My stomach lurched. This wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear.
"So, you need proof that he was manipulating things then?" Alec asked and I nodded my head. He had a firm look on his face as he nodded. "I think I might be able to help."
"Seriously, how?" I asked. I tried not to feel a spark of hope, but if there was even something small that would help, then I would take it.
"I knew Sebastian would be here," Alec said thoughtfully. "He has some sort of business thing with my father and with a few other men here. I could see what I can drag up. If we could get enough, it could help with showing his intentions with you." Alec shrugged. "It might be nothing, but it's worth a shot, right?" I nodded quickly, trying not to get too excited.
"Oh my god, Alec," I said as I threw my arms around him. "That would be amazing." I felt his arms tighten around me as he responded to the hug.
"It's no bother," he whispered in my ear. "I would do anything to protect you, Lily." I pulled away to see a sincere look on his face. His face then slipped back into the goofy grin. "And if it means taking that dick down a peg or too, well that is a bonus." I responded with my own smile. I felt more hopeful, knowing that I had Alec to help me. I glanced at the door again and frowned. But I would still have to bide my time.
"I better get back to him," I said quietly. Alec took my chin in his hand again.
"I swear I will be as quick as I can," he said. "We'll get you out of this, I promise." I nodded and forced a smile on my face. I opened the door again and stepped back out into the hallway.
"Just give me a day, two at most," Alec said as he closed the bathroom door and I nodded again. I could handle a couple of days, right? I just needed to hold out till then. Then a look crossed over Alec's face as he looked behind me and I already knew what I would see before I turned around. I took a deep breath and turned to see a very furious looking Sebastian standing at the end of the hallway.
Chapter 4
"Sir?" I looked away from the door, where my new toy had disappeared, back to Davis. He was still standing by the car with an expectant look on his face. I nodded to acknowledge his presence.
"Take her belongings to the apartment and then come back and wait," I said to him. "I am not in the mood for a lot of socialising tonight." To be fair, this was true of most times. I hated the social side of my life. All the tedious conversations and pandering to the entitled bastards. But it was necessary if I was going to get what was rightfully mine. It also came in handy when I had a particular mark that I was working on. Most work that I did for the Foundation required access to the higher level inner workings, and my name only got me so far. Calling in favours and using my charms worked well when they thought they had a more intimate access to me. I had fucked secrets and information out of more than one wife of some jumped up prick I was tasked to deal with. These women had very loose lips when you satisfy the urges that their limp dick husbands have been vastly inadequate in doing.
I look down at my watch and back up at the door. Only a couple of moments had passed but I was getting impatient, and I wouldn't be surprised if the sweet Lily had already attempted to bolt. I half hoped that she had, I did love a good hunt and I would enjoy it all the more if my prize at the end would be to break her. I headed towards the main entrance and into the house, nodding at the odd face that I recognised as I searched for my lovely wife. I just needed to get through tonight, show the higher ups that I was serious about my stake and then tomorrow would be a more relaxed affair. A lot of the wives wouldn't attend tomorrow, although some of the legacy ones would still be there, ready for the debauchery. These weekends were always the same though. Friday nights were the formal introduction while Saturday was pure sex and delights.
I rounded a corner into a quiet hallway and stopped dead when I saw Lily, and that she wasn't alone. I growled as I recognised who it was that she was with. Alec fucking McIntyre. It shouldn't have surprised me. I was in Alec's home, and it was his father that was hosting this weekend’s activities. But Alec rarely attended them. So, the fact that he was here now and had already found Lily was too much of a coincidence for my liking. Alec was the first to see me as he looked up and met my eyes. Then Lily looked around when his expression dropped. The fear in her eyes made my dick twitch, and I made sure to keep eye contact with her, allowing the fury that was creeping up inside me to show in my eyes, as I approached the two.
"What the hell is going on here?" I demanded, my voice low and dangerous. Alec looked up at me, his eyes cold and calculating. He didn't flinch or show any sign of fear, but I could see the defiance in his stance.
"Sebastian," he said, his voice as icy as his gaze. "What a pleasant surprise. I didn't expect to see you here." I ignored him, focusing my attention on Lily.
"Dear wife," I said, my voice soft but filled with menace. Something akin to my own anger passed through Alec's eyes as I greeted Lily. Lily flinched and glanced back over her shoulder. Ah, so she had already told him. But how much information had she let on? The agency contract specified that the details of the marriage was to be kept concealed, and part of me wondered if Lily had already broken the rules. Would I get to punish her so quickly? I allowed a sinister smirk to play along my lips as I took her hand, the one with my rings on it, ensuring that there was no denying who exactly this woman belonged to. "I've been waiting for you." I looked up to see Alec glaring at my hand and my smirk grew. Alec looked up at me and cleared his throat.
"I erm… hear that congratulations are in order," he said and held out a hand. "Lily and I was just catching up, and she tells me you are married." I let go of Lily's hand to shake Alec's. His grip was bordering upon hostile, and I matched his energy.
"Did she?" I asked amused at the grimace as I squeezed ever so slightly hard on his hand. "Well, I am happy that my wife is excited to share our happy news. I am rather excited myself. What exactly did my bride spill?" I let go of Alec and pulled a stiff Lily into my body and wrapped my arms around her waist. I made a show of running my nose along her neck and breathing in her scent before meeting Alec's eyes again.
"I was just saying that we are married," Lily whispered. "Nothing else." I could hear the tremor in her voice, and I knew she was lying, and from how she was reacting she knew I knew. Alec looked between us and forced a smile on his face.
"Well congratulations again," he said between gritted teeth, before looking at Lily again. "It was nice to bump into you both. Do enjoy the party." I cocked my head to the side as Alec turned his back on us and walked down the hallway without looking back.
I waited for him to leave the hallway before I let go of Lily's waist and spun her to face me.
"What the fuck did you tell him?" I demanded as I backed her against the wall. The fear in her eyes was intoxicating as she shook her head.
"Nothing, I swear," she stammered. I closed in on her, pushing my body against hers and lifted her chin so she met my eyes.