Page 97 of Forever Enough
The two younger women both scurried out of the car, locked arms, and quickly made their way to the back door, where Avery typed in a code and the door unlocked. After giving us a quick tour of the back end of the boutique, we headed to the front, where Georgiana was helping a customer. She glanced up, smiled, and waved.
“Morgan is up in her office working on a wedding dress design. Feel free to head on up there if you want,” Georgiana called before focusing her attention back on her customer. Avery and Emily soon got lost in looking at the clothes, so I headed up the steps in the back and knocked lightly on the door.
“Come in!”
I walked in and saw Morgan sitting behind a desk, a large sketch pad in front of her. Next to her on the floor was Blakley, playing with toys on a blanket.
“Mackenzie! How nice of you to come up and say hi.”
Closing the door, I made my way over toward the little one. Squatting down, I picked up one of her toys and grinned as she instantly reached for it.
“Avery and Emily are in Heaven with one another. I think they both had a handful of things to try on within a minute of walking into the boutique.”
Morgan laughed. “It sounds like Emily is Avery’s long-lost BFF.”
Grinning, I said, “I’d say so. The way the two of them have hit it off is really something.”
“I think it’s wonderful she and her fiancé are moving to Montana.”
“I do too!” I said with a smile. “I’m so incredibly happy with the news.”
Blakley lifted her hands for me to pick her up. “May I?”
“Please, have at it. She just woke up from a nap. All the excitement from the last few days has worn that little girl out.”
Laughing, I picked her up and spun around, causing her to laugh. “She is so adorable.”
“She is. I usually have a nanny who watches her for me. Georgiana and I use the apartment upstairs as like a makeshift second home. That way Blakley and the boys are close by.”
“That’s nice that you’re able to do that. Do you have one nanny for all three kids?”
Morgan leaned back in her chair. “Oh, God, no! One takes care of the boys, who are a handful, and one takes care of Blakley. They’re both wonderful, and Georgiana and I would be lost without them. We’re blessed to be able to have it set up like this.”
“So where is Blakley’s nanny today?”
“She has the day off. My mom offered to watch her today, but I knew it would be slow in the shop today, and all I really needed to do was work on this design. I’m almost finished with it.”
“May I take a peek?”
She grinned. “Sure!”
I walked around the large desk and gasped at the drawing on the page. “Morgan, that is beautiful.”
“Thank you so much. It’s a wedding dress for a client in Banff. She requested a Cinderella Blue wedding dress. Her exact words were that she wanted to look like a princess.”
Staring at the insanely beautiful wedding dress, I replied, “I’d say you delivered. She’ll for sure look like a princess in that dress.”
Morgan seemed to beam with pride as she assessed the design. “I hope she loves it as much as I do.”
“I can’t imagine that she wouldn’t. It’s gorgeous.”
Looking up at me, Morgan’s cheeks turned slightly pink. “Thank you, Mackenzie.”
She pushed her chair back and stood, stretching her arms over her head. “Man, it’s time to call it a day. Avery mentioned going shopping, grabbing some lunch, and hanging out.”
“Yes. Rose, I think, was supposed to meet us here.”
“I spoke with Kipton earlier; she isn’t feeling so great, and Hunter wants her to take it easy since she’s due in a few days.”