Page 98 of Forever Enough
“Well, I don’t blame him for wanting her to rest. I can’t imagine walking in this snow nine months pregnant.”
Morgan laughed. “That’s true. I remember how tired I was at the end. It wears you out making a baby.”
I tickled Blakley’s tummy, and she giggled. “I bet it does!”
“Do you want kids?”
Her question caught me off guard, and I snapped my head up to look at her. “Um, yes, I would love to have kids someday.”
“That’s wonderful. I have to say, I’ve never seen Bradly so happy. You’ve brought out a side of him that I’m not sure I’ve ever seen before. He seems so relaxed. It’s hard to describe. He’s always on the go, and this is the longest he’s been home in forever. Maybe that’s it?”
I shrugged. I didn’t want to mention the things he’d been saying about his career. It wasn’t my place to tell anyone. “He’s done the same for me, made me feel relaxed and at ease. Your whole family has.”
“Good! I’m glad to hear it.”
She took Blakley from me, since she was reaching out for her mother. “I’m sure you’ll hear the same thing from some of the other girls, if you haven’t already, but I’m a firm believer in love at first sight. I feel like when you meet your soul mate, you just know. Something deep down inside of you clicks and sends this warm feeling through your body.”
“Did you know Ryan was the one?”
Morgan’s entire face lit up at the mention of her husband. “Yes. It was a long road for us to finally be together, but I always knew he was the one. And I’m pretty sure he knew it too. It’s funny how fate works. Like you and Bradly. You met and bam! That was it, you guys knew. Ryan and I had some…challenges. I’ll tell you all about it someday. But it involves a stalker.”
I drew my head back in confusion. “As in, someone stalking you?”
She was smiling at her daughter as she said, “Mmhmm. It’s a crazy story.” She looked at me. “You ready to join the others?”
I slowly nodded, frowning.
She laughed and regarded me with a sweet expression. “I tossed you a bone and left you just out of reach, didn’t I?”
“You sure did!”
“Would you mind grabbing her bag for me?”
“Not at all,” I said as I walked over and picked up the baby bag that felt like it had fifty-pound weights inside. “What’s in here? Her crib?”
She laughed and headed toward the steps. “You know, I think Bradly’s just been waiting for you to show up in his life, Mackenzie.”
“I’ve been waiting for him as well.”
“Lily had mentioned to me that he seemed so sad. Between you and me, I don’t think he loves bull riding as much as he thought he would. At least, that’s what me, Lily, and Rose think.”
My brows raised. “You don’t?”
With a shake of her head, she went on. “Lily and I were talking about it the day after Christmas. Normally he would have been competing right up until basically Christmas Eve, and then back out on the road right after. Bradly used to eat, sleep, and live for bull riding. Something in him has lost that love for it.”
“I haven’t asked him to stop riding.”
Her eyes went wide. “Oh my gosh, I was not suggesting that at all! This was before you were even in the picture, I promise you.”
I felt my cheeks heat. “Thank you for saying that. I would never in a million years ask him to walk away from something he loves. Ever.”
Morgan’s smile grew into a grin as she stopped before leaving the office and faced me. “Somehow, I think something big is about to happen.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
Shrugging, Morgan said, “I don’t know. I just have this feeling that there are going to be some big changes coming. All good ones.”
I thought about Doug and Emily moving to Montana. The cabin that Bradly had remodeled for himself. Smiling back at Morgan, I said, “I agree. There seems to be something in the air.”