Page 37 of The Love Penalty
I have to make things right with Asher.
I close my eyes, the answer relieving and terrifying me in the same heartbeat.
But I have to do this.
I can’t let that stranger from the party destroy my life. He’s already taken over two months of it. And I can’t let him have another day.
Snatching my hairbrush, I slap it against the sink and suddenly spit, “No more! You can’t have one! Minute! More!” I bash my brush on the sink, one hit per word, before throwing it against the wall and heaving. “No more.”
Flinging the bathroom door open, I wrestle my clothes off the hangers, shoving my legs into a pair of jeans and throwing on my favorite sweater. This one hugs my body, showing off my curves the way I used to like so much. I refuse to look in the mirror as I tame my waves with my fingers, then shove my feet into my slip-on leather ankle boots.
“No more,” I murmur again, forcing air through my nose as I grab my purse and head out the door.
There’s a chance Caroline is at Hockey House right now, and that makes me a little hesitant to go there. If I show up and she sees me, will she wonder why I’m there? I could play like I was looking for her, but then I’ll have to come up with a reason why. The thought of making up yet another lie exhausts me. All I can hope is that she and Casey are out.
Pulling out my phone, I toy with the idea of ordering an Uber, then change my mind and figure the walk might do me good. It’ll give me a chance to think about what I’m going to say.
I also run the risk of chickening out, but then images of me with scraggly gray hair and fifteen cats meowing in my single-bedroom apartment force my legs forward.
If I don’t want that future, then I need to take control. Something I should have done weeks ago.
Fuck that asshole!
May he burn in eternal hell!
I wish I knew his name so I could curse him properly. But I didn’t find out any of those essential details, did I? I just let him kiss me and touch me and enter me without knowing a fucking thing.
I will forever hate myself for that.
Clenching my jaw, I grind my teeth together and follow the Maps app on my phone.
It takes me about thirty minutes, but I finally slow to a stop outside Hockey House.
Oh shit.
This is it.
Fisting my hands, I dig my nails into my palms and wonder if I’m capable of doing this. I loiter in the driveway, spotting Asher’s truck and figuring he must be home.
Do it. Do it now! You came all this way!
With a thick swallow, I shuffle to the door. My finger is shaking as I press the doorbell and hope to God Casey or Caroline doesn’t answer the door.
In fact, if anyone but Asher swings back this wood, I might just bolt.
The handle clicks and I catch my breath, my lungs starting to burn as I wait for the reveal.
“Hi.” The person stares down at me. “Can I help you?”
For a second, I think I might have the wrong house and quickly check my phone app. I don’t recognize this man at all, and I?—
“Who are you looking for?”
“Um…” I stare back up at the tall guy with his wavy, honey-colored hair and reluctant expression. “I’m sorry. I think I might have the wrong house.”
He tips his head to stare at me, looking ready to shut the door in my face, when he suddenly sighs like I’m a pain in the ass and mutters, “This is Hockey House.”
“Oh.” I blink. “Well, then… who are you?”