Page 97 of The Love Penalty
His eyes narrow as I find the strength to look right into them.
“She was raped. Violated by some asshole. And she thought it was him. I couldn’t just turn my back on that, ignore how she was feeling. I had to make sure.”
“Hmmm.” He nods, his tongue skimming over his top teeth. “I’d be very careful if I were you.”
His soft warning gets my back up, an eerie chill running down my spine.
“You have a lot to lose if you don’t play your cards right here. As I already mentioned, we provide… so much for you.” His voice grows soft and steely. “We don’t have to do that, you know? We’re under no obligation to take care of you. You’re not our son.”
My lips part, his words wrapping around me like poisonous barbs.
“And all of those generous, kind-hearted gestures could so easily be taken away. In an instant.” He snaps his fingers. “You know what I mean?”
And that’s when it hits me.
Like a fucking sledgehammer to the side of my head. I get it.
He’s not calmly throwing out these threats because of some miscommunication. He’s warning me off because he knows Lani might be right.
Well, fuck me.
The truth is like a punch to the gut.
It’s impossible to respond as Uncle Hayes points at me. “All I’m saying is that you need to put your family first. We’ve looked after you, and now you return the favor. Don’t go spreading shitty rumors about Harvey. You stay loyal to him, no matter what. You feel me?”
My only response is a soft breath, which my uncle must take as consent, because a broad smile crosses his face.
“Excellent. I’m glad we understand each other.” Holding out his arm like he wants to hug me or something, he tips his head toward the door. “Come on, buddy. Let’s go eat.”
When I don’t move, he starts walking for the door.
And I can’t follow him.
I’m too numb to move.
I can’t fucking believe this.
I can’t fucking believe?—
A breath catches in my throat.
Lani. I have to get to Lani.
“You coming?” Uncle Hayes turns to check on me, his friendly smile faltering when I slam my glass down on the bench.
“I’m not hungry,” I seethe.
His eyes flash. “Don’t make a mistake now, son.”
“I’m not your son. Remember?” I grit the words out, relieved that I didn’t have time to find another drink. I’m still sober enough to fully grasp this shitty conversation. I’m still sober enough to drive.
Hurrying past my uncle, I head straight for my truck and Nolan U. I don’t bother saying goodbye to any of my relatives. I can’t stand in a room with those fucking people playing pretend. Not after what I just heard in the pool house!
“Fuck,” I whisper under my breath, cranking the engine and tearing away from their lush mansion as fast as I can.
I’ve got to see my girl.
I’ve gotta make this right.