Page 74 of House of Lies
The silence in the room becomes suffocating. He doesn’t storm out as I expected. He doesn’t yell or throw anything my way.
I try to swallow the lump in my throat. “Yes?”
“You’ll come with me, willingly or not. You’d better make peace with this because there’s no way out. Don’t force me to harm your sister to convince you.”
I found a way out once, and I will do it again. Or at least, I would have if what happened next mattered to me. But it doesn’t. I love my sister, and he knows she’s my only vulnerability. I would do anything to protect her.
“Tell me again how you lost your mind.” Vanya doesn’t bother hiding his grin.
“I didn’t ... I?—”
I fucking lost my mind. It didn’t take me long to understand that Caelia would never come with me willingly. She might have said she doesn’t hate me, but I don’t believe the feeling was strong enough to survive everything she’s been put through by my bastard brother, who’s wearing my face. There’s still some fight left in her. Enough to resist me and try to have her way. I understand that all of this is confusing for her. Nothing makes sense.
“What do you know about relationships?”
“More than you do,” I assure him.
I had to confide in someone, or I would go crazy. Vanya has been in the waiting room with me all this time, waiting for Caelia to come out of surgery. Dmitri is taking care of Mattia, ensuring that no one will find him. I want to handle that problem personally, but nothing is more urgent than Caelia’s recovery. The police stopped by an hour ago, attempting to speak with her. I stood there, overly concerned for someone who claimed not to know her. Vanya came up with a stupid story about how we just found her on the street, and Caelia went along with it. She said she didn’t remember anything. I wish that were true. If it were, she wouldn’t look at me like I’m going to hurt her any second.
“It’s a stupid plan, Kaz,” Vanya remarks.
“What other option do I have?”
“You can let her go.”
“I can’t.”
“You don’t want to.”
This happens when you grow up with someone, and they get to know you better than anyone else. They won’t take any bullshit. You can’t lie to them. Vanya is trying to make amends. I also need someone to keep me sane.
“You’re right. I don’t want to let her go. But I also can’t let her go. The thought alone drives me insane. Where’s Domenico?”
“Our doctor stitched him up. The last time I spoke with him, he was with Dmitri. Why?”
“Call him. Caelia wants to see him.”
Vanya narrows his eyes, not saying a word. He doesn’t have to. I don’t like this either.
“He’s her friend or some shit.” I shrug. “Just call him, will you?”
He nods, taking his phone out of his pocket. I head back to Caelia’s private room. I already took care of all the bills. I’m just waiting for her to be able to travel. It matters little to me because she will, willingly or not, but one of those options will make her life easier. When I enter the room, her eyes lock with mine. There’s less rage and more pain in them than this morning.
“What’s wrong, Wildfire?”
“Could you please call a nurse for me? I keep pressing this button, but nothing happens.”
“What do you need a nurse for? Are you in pain?”
“If you must know, yes. But there’s nothing else they can give me for that. I need to use the bathroom.” Her cheeks turn red.
“All right.” I cross the distance between us, making sure not to move too fast and scare her. “I’ll help you.” I extend my hand, keeping it far enough for her to feel safe.