Page 90 of House of Lies
“I’ll be your wife for the next six months. I will not fight you, and you won’t have to keep me handcuffed, always wondering when I’m going to make my next escape attempt. I will not lie to you. I’ll come with you willingly. I need your word that you’ll let me go when the time is up, Kazimir. You won’t handcuff me to yourself to prevent me from leaving.”
“You’ll have to do this properly, Caelia. If I’m taking you back as my wife, my family won’t buy it unless it looks real.”
Everything we’ve built before has crumbled. The foundation of our relationship has been woven through too much pain and suffering to survive on so many lies. We can start over. I hate to admit that it won’t even be that hard.
“It’s going to look real,” I assure him.
The worst part is that it will also feel real. I’ve been here with him before. I know he can make it look real, make me question my feelings, and simultaneously bring out the worst and best in me.
“Fine,” he agrees. “Six months, but you’ll give me everything in these six months.”
It sounds too good to be true. He was right that night in the hospital. There’s nothing left here for me. However, it will kill me not to speak with Cosima. I can compromise on this. Freedom in six months sounds like a dream.
“We have a deal, then. You’ll be my wife for the next six months.”
“We have a deal.”
God, what am I getting myself into? Rationally, it makes no sense. I don’t trust him to let me go when the time’s up. This is not what he wanted. He decided I was his and would return with him regardless of what I wanted. I don’t know why he is bending now, meeting me halfway. How can there be no lies between us if I can’t trust him completely?
“And I want birth control,” I add. He sighs. “Kaz, I’m not kidding.”
“I hear you.”
He hears me, but will he give me what I want?
We’re finally on the plane. This day didn’t come soon enough. It was the best offer I could make her. Dedushka won’t like it. Hell, he won’t like her. But presenting her as my wife will be better than Caelia making it clear she’s with me against her will every chance she gets. And knowing her, she would’ve made it a statement.
“Have Dmitri look into this, Vanya. See what he can find out. Try to get in touch with your father.”
Vanya’s eyes follow the movement of my hand. My fingers are playing with Caelia’s hair. She fell asleep on the couch, her head on my lap. She said nothing but refused to sleep in the suite and didn’t seem keen on flying.
“Did I tell you recently what a stupid plan this is?”
“Not since this morning.”
“She’ll end up ten million dollars richer, and you’ll end up with fucking nothing and your heart in pieces.”
“I don’t have a heart to break.”
“Yeah, you go on and keep telling yourself that. We’ll speak again in six months.” I had to explain to Vanya why Caelia stopped fighting me. She’s not the only one who’s sick of lies. I went with the truth, so now he knows about our arrangement. To say that he loathes it would be an understatement. “You said you couldn’t let her go.”
That statement still stands. I can’t. I won’t. This stupid arrangement is a monumental fuck up. I gave her my word, but I have no fucking idea how I’m going to keep it.
Caelia wakes up, rubbing her eyes. “Why are you both looking so gloomy?”
“?? ?????,” Vanya rolls his eyes.
“What did he say?” Caelia asks, hating the fact the fact that she doesn’t understand a word.
“That I’m an idiot,” I translate for her.
“If you’re going to offend Kaz, at least do it in English so I can join in.” She smirks, not moving an inch from my lap.
Vanya wants to hate her, but he can’t. He had a fit of laughter when he found me handcuffed to the bed, not at all surprised by her escaping attempt. He was more pissed that I woke him up than that we had to chase Caelia through the house. My cousin is used to me pointing a gun at him, but I’ve never meant it until that night. I wasn’t joking when I told him I was going to put a bullet in his head if he threatened her again. He will give her grief, though. He wouldn’t be who he is otherwise.