Page 41 of Mafia Princess
I spin on the spot, nearly losing my balance. “Vana,” I call out and she waves at me, her eyes narrowing on Luca behind me. Fuck. I turn back around and push at his chest to try to get him back out the front. “You need to get in your car.” I panic.
“Too fucking late now.” He grins at me. the playful Luca back in full swing.
“Fuck,” I groan and step away from him, hoping he doesn’t grab me by the waist and yank me back into him.
Vana approaches us, her cautious gaze never straying from Luca until she is just out of my reach. “Maya, your Papa will murder him if he finds him here.” She shakes her head in disappointment.
“Where are Midnight and Storm?” I grab her arms and make her focus on me.
“They’re in the pool house. Mr. Capelli has guests coming later, he asked me to lock them up so they don’t tear anyone’s throat out.” She looks at me in confusion.
I gather my long dress in my hand, to give me enough room to move and bolt toward the pool house. I run like my life depends on it, not believing Vana that my babies are safe and secure. I burst through the doors and there they both are, lazing about on the lounge, with not a care in the world. When they see me, they bound off the lounge and jump all over me.
I sink to the floor in a heap and get smothered with licks. “You’re safe. You’re fucking safe.”
Storm is the first to start her low deep growl, with her hackles raised, as she positions herself between me and the door. Midnight stays silent, standing over my legs, protecting me from whoever is approaching.
Luca appears outside the door, not stupid enough to come any closer. “Well, they’re fucking protective.” He pushes his gun into the back of his pants and squats down so he’s at eye level with Storm. She continues her low growl, a warning to not come any closer.
“Storm, it’s okay.” I whistle to her and she obeys and comes to sit beside me. “You wouldn’t hurt a fly, would you?” I scratch them both behind the ears.
“Maya!” Vana shouts from up near the house. “Maya!”
Luca stands and turns to see what Vana wants.
“Maya, your Papa is here. Get this boy out of here, now,” she pants as she tries to catch her breath standing next to Luca.
Panic seizes in my chest as I scramble to get up off the floor. Both dogs are aware of my sudden mood and jump into protective mode again, with their ears back, ready to attack. “Girl’s, heel.” I pat them both on the head and they immediately sit next to me.
“I’ll distract him in the office.” Vana steps closer to me, taking my face in her hands. “Be careful, my child. You know your Papa is unforgiving.” Her gaze slides to Luca, who has retrieved his gun again.
“I’m happy to waltz through the house. I don’t give a fuck who sees me,” he says, the darkness in his tone cooling the air around us.
“No fucking way. Put your gun away Rambo, no one is shooting anyone here. We’ll go up around the house.” I glare at him and his stupidity.
“He’s seen my car and he’ll be curious as to who is here. I’m more scared of your dogs than I am of your old man.” His dazzling grin beckons me to agree with him.
“Nope. My house, my way. Now move.” I push at his chest to try to turn him around.
“I love it when you’re all bossy,” he chuckles darkly and moves as I push him.
Vana watches our exchange and I see the fear in her eyes. She knows all too well what would happen if Papa found out about Luca.
“Maya, you need to think hard about this.” Vana frowns before scurrying back up to the house.
“She won’t tell him,” I convince myself more than Luca.
“Lead the way.” Luca gestures for me to go first, making Storm growl at him. “Hey, pup. I’m not the fucking enemy here,” he whispers to her.
“She hates everyone, don’t take it personally.” I set off up toward the side of the house, with my pups and Luca trailing behind.
We make it to the far corner of the house, the Lamborghini is in my sights with papa’s car parked behind it. “We’ll just have to make a dash for it.”
“What about your dogs?” Luca walks past me and stands out in the open, eyeing the distance between us and the car.
“They’re coming with me.”
He turns and looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “In my car?”